Hi all. Asking anyone who's taken a digital LSAT so far. What's the format like? Is it closer to 7Sage's or Khan Academy's? I noticed 7Sage's is much easier to read and Khan's is a much smaller font and harder to read for me. Thanks in advance!
Professor agreed to write me a letter of rec, but she told me to explain the process. Would telling her to follow the link from LSAC's LOR service be enough? What other information should I tell her? Thank you so much.
I was wondering if there was a way to retake a PT and input it into the analytics, or can you only take it once and input it into the analytics? The Core Curriculm is asking I take the 2007 PT, but I've already done it on Khan Academy.
@"Juliet --Student Service--" and our consultant Gail Dauer have put together a very useful list of virtual law school events. You can see it here: https://coda.io/@david-busis/7sage-law-school-list/virtual-law-school-events-28