Thanks for the comments guys! I would report it but people make mistakes and it really isn't going to help me anyway. I mean would they refund me my money or anything?
My mistakes are often the same thing. I think this is where practice tests will help a lot. As you start to remember little mistakes you can make, and you hopefully begin to avoid them.
I only have a few prep-tests left over myself... would definitely just look over the mistakes you had in the previous PT's and try to understand where you went wrong. Re-doing full PTs which were previously done isn't really much help.
... learn. You want to avoid mistakes on the actual LSAT. You ... do this by making mistakes in Prep. By finding the ... mistakes in your thought process/diagrams, ... />
So be happy to make mistakes in Prep. Relax and enjoy ...
Really good tips here. I'm definitely going to try and do as many PTs as possible now. The only thing I'm concerned about is blind reviewing too quickly and not absorbing all of the information and learning from my mistakes.
... categories, which encompass all possible mistakes. Those are
1) reading mistakes, which are just that I ... Often these are the "dumb mistakes" people talk about, and ... this process often leads to mistakes, like picking an answer ...
other mistakes, such as having misread an ... or the stimulus. These mistakes are the least instructive, ... environmental and mental). These mistakes indicate you need to start ...
I was making the same mistakes. I had to discipline myself to read every answer choice if I wasn't 100% sure. I mean, I've answered so many of those and gotten them wrong because I was rushing and only about 95% sure.