... finished my conclusion with only a few seconds remaining and wasn ... one or even two mispellings are not a big deal, reviewers know ... several and a word confusion concerned me a little, especially sinceweare provided with ...
... . I realized that i'm havinga hard time understanding the early ... both quizzes and have gotten a lot of them wrong. I ... no idea why I'm having such a hard time grasping this ...
... are made of atoms. [B–>A]
(2) All non-bananas are ... atoms. [/B–>A]
(1) and (2) are consistent with each ... areA) is (not A not B) , hence (A is not B) is acceptable sinceweare ... not A) so we can say (B is not A) hence some bananas are ...
A couple of us are getting together to do a BR session of PT ... 37 on Saturday. Weare planning ... the BR together. If you are interested, dm me and I ... link because that is where wearehaving the session :)
... is a sound argument are two different things. In MBT weare focusing ... is not a valid argument. We can't negate assumptions sinceweare removing alot ... s not a valid argument.
For all we know ... . What if the coordinators are so stupid that they do ...
... advertised enough: Law schools are lowering their standards every year ... articles about how some schools are now accepting students with ... havinga stellar personal statement, and if your GPA or LSAT are ... much less above a 155 and here weare with a 157. I will ...
... really interested in LR since its my weakest section. ... currently using 7sage, lsatlab, a private tutor, and free ... waivers, and testing accommodations sinceweare here to get all the ... motivated, encouraging people so weare all comfortable holding each other ...
... />
The assumption here is subtle: Since not Y, not X. we are given? Also, notice weare drawing a conclusion based on ... what would be true if we BELIEVED ...
... the foundational lessons since the LSAT questions area finite resource. I ... or reading material. See what we missed, what works for ... others or what we can improve upon. Although ... RC to see how weare progressing.
Hey! I am having trouble understanding why A is incorrect. I ... why A doesn't.
Here, weare given a correlation ... . From the correlation, we get a causation that the ad ... an alternate explanation for a given phenomenon automatically strengthens ...
... agree more. @blah170blah Haha We probably are!!! I was afraid that comment ... going to make me look a wee bit pathetic but hey ... cats are my life. And uh... The end. We should start adiscussion thread ... fruition, I will actually shed a physical tear of happiness.
... students has changed quite drastically since then.
My ... of the recession are largely winding down so we don't ... purely make money, there are less stressful and financially burdensome ... go to law school because weare in a buyer's market. Schools ...
... you different studying techniques and are extremely overpriced compared to 7Sage ... questions. Sinceweare all learning from each other. I also received a copy ... in LR and RC. There are people in the Skype BR ... groups that are taking the LSAT in Oct ...
... still what are the odds a child is born a girl ... hand we really only have 3 worlds sinceweare assuming we have ... came with opening a certain door we could be given ... we're assuming we're rooting for a girl and not a ... though, would have been a whole lot easier to ...
... especially because #21 seemed like a direct violation of the rules ... that hypotheticals are meant to introduce a new variable and we're required ... how to adjust to #21 sinceweare told in the description that ...
... sentence, and since no support is provided for it, we cannot reasonably ... like a principle question -- right now we have a situation and weare drawing a conclusion ... about how we should act ...
... />
Then, weare given a quasi-conditional statement: We can't diagram ... is relevant, but sincewe know it isn' ... are this: we have successfully protected individual liberties.
Since this is a ... must be true question, and we only ...
I just wanted to ask a general question since im also taking june ... way to blind review when weare learning a new LR problem and ... ? I noticed that I have a tendency not to blind review
I am not in this situation but I would think unless you really messed up (which I really doubt) you should be fine if you are "in your range" . Since they count your highest score generally. In all likelihood you arehavinga case of pre-result-jitters.
... s wrong to think that sincewe don't have direct ... the farther in time weare from the period we care about, the ... />
Answer A: This seems pretty good. Sinceweare far removed from ... the origins of the solar system, we ...
... . Maybe dress up a bit depending on where you arehaving lunch. are interested in law?" or "What ... have the numbers already and arehavinga private lunch with the dean ...