Hi. I got a 160 on the November 2021 LSAT. I'm not satisfied with this score, but I'd like tosee how well I did on each section so that I can tell which sections need the most improvement for January. Where can you check for this?
Question to those who are scoring in the mid-170s and up: Are you getting close to a -0 in blindreview? Or are there always a small number of questions that evade you--even when you have unlimited opportunity toreview questions? Thanks!
... ~70 accuracy in LR, but blindreview, it seems so easy I ... wise; probably double the time to achieve full accuracy. Problem: not ... quick enough. Sometimes I have to re-read it like 4 ... am at about 172-174 Blindreview. Thanks!
Hey guys what is the best way toBlindReview a practice exam. Please be detailed about it. I want to know how long also it take you guys on average to BR a full length practice exam ? Thank you so much in advanced
Please give us the option tosee which answers we eliminated/crossed out when looking at our preptest answer results. This would help us see our original thought processing when blind reviewing and when going over final results.
... and I am hoping to increase my score by 5 points. ... CC and 7Sage tools to develop a study plan ... and was able tosee where I need to focus on the ... , should I just go to each specific section that's ... is there another optimal way to utilize the course?
... />
I have a hard time blind reviewing. I am currently working ... the time I am down to two answers and initially choose ... was and I just think to myself, "Damn, I knew it ... questions, or should I wait toblindreview full pts after I finish ...
As stated do I need to physically print out the exams for each PT I do blindreview or is there a way to digitally “circle” choices I’m uncertain of when taking a PT online?
📈 To study, I have been taking ... for this group are: toblindreview with each other before viewing ... selected different answers for prior to grading.
... tips for BlindReview. A lot of what I have listened to makes ... me as if Blind Reviewing would be ... right. But I still seem to miss a couple questions during ...
... practice test and doing a blindreview but should we still ... 'm too close to the questions to honestly blindreview them after but ... don't want to stop ... being efficient with studying and blind reviewing in a way ...
... new here to 7Sage and wanted to ask about the BlindReview option for ... the method I am supposed to do besides reviewing my answers ... guidance on how best to use the BlindReview method for drills. Many ...
Hello, I have been doing BlindReview and WAJing according to the lessons in the syllabus for LR and I found them extremely helpful. I was wondering if there is anything different I should do in terms of blind reviewing and WAJing for RC?
... the primary purpose of doing blindreview calls (everyone takes the ... keep the conversations largely relevant to everyone. I believe that ... bracket versus another is likely to have significantly different topics ... reading and good luck to all in this brutal ...
What is the purpose of BlindReview on drills and PT's? It says strongly recommends.
We won't have that option when taking the exam, so to me it just feels like it makes me second guess myself.
... immediately remember the answer, see if you can still work ... know the answer. See if in blindreview you can draw parallel ... fresh PTs and really Blind reviewing ever single aspect ... you will have to use BlindReviewto increase your score instead of just ...
... rigorously diagram each question in blindreviewto build your intuition.
< ... After that I don't see what drilling in LR does ... you that prep tests with blindreview don't.
... advanced lr), I decided toblindreview my PT 62. Admittedly, ... score a 169+? After this blindreview, part of me wants to ... would like tosee my timed tests and blindreview margin shrink ... then go back and blindreview before you score.
... want toblindreview and check the box if I already blind reviewed tosee my score ... . Then, without me pressing anything, it would change to ... . Then I just decided tosee my score and write down my answers ...
... time now and finally starting toscore in my goal range. I ... who have worked really hard toscore the way they did. The ... will offer a free consultation tosee if you may be a ... offer occasional events ranging from blindreviewto help with a specific area ...