I emailed them some articles (including recommendations from the admissions starter course) on what a good LOR has in it. I didn't give them anything else. But much like @"Alex Divine" I know my recommenders very well.
Admissions Starter packages were added! @Takamine since you don't have a full account, you'll have it for a month. Everyone else will keep it until their account expires.
Have you tried The LSAT Trainer? If you aren't up for the Starter course here my next suggestion would be The LSAT Trainer. I would've bought the book solely for the Flaw section.
I took a Blueprint Course this previous summer and ... since my last one from Blueprint (which was in the 140s ... sure I have. Compared to Blueprint, 7sage is by far a ...
I participated in a BluePrint class this summer. 7Sage dominates. ... Grouping Game w/sub categories" BluePrint might call an "Stable/Unstable ... everything else is lacking. Whereas BluePrint had me spending time trying ...
... don't know much about BluePrint but I used the LSAT ... need to categorize it. If BluePrint does the same, then it ... I don't know if BluePrint does this, but JY always ...
... included in each course. Purchasing Starter, Premium, Ultimate and Ultimate+ normally ... gives you 3 (Starter), 6 (Premium), 12 (Ultimate) and ... , for example, if you purchase Starter and later upgrade to Ultimate ...
... I'm currently enrolled in Blueprint and 7sage, but I ... towards the lowest common denominator). Blueprint is fucking ridiculous. You watch ... of differences between 7sage and Blueprint. I felt like I ... t say the same about Blueprint or Powerscore (which I ...
It will definitely work from your phone. You can't view offline (a bummer for subway rides!) but everything else works and you can still grade tests, etc from the mobile apps. I am really into the curriculum, even just the starter one. Recommended.