Hey there, I changed your comment's category to "Find an LSAT StudyBuddy". I can totally see why you posted under "February 2014 LSAT" though. I hope I didn't overstep.
I am also looking for studybuddy , however I think December maybe too late. I was hoping to have someone to work problems with from now till February. Located in Midtown.
Me too - are yall just starting out or have you been studying for a while? (I've been studying for a bit and could use a studybuddy who's also been studying for a while.) PM me!
How far along are you in your studies? I am literally just beginning my course so if you are looking for a studybuddy that is farther along, I completely understand.
An LSAT buddy is very useful to a ... right. Essentially, what tutoring vs. studybuddy boils down to is how ... of pairing up with a study group, and then only taking ...
Hi! I'm also aiming to break 170 by December, I was planning on taking the September exam, but I'm still only scoring in the low 160s. Feel free to message me if you're still looking for a studybuddy in NYC.