Has anyone used the LR Loophole as a study resource in addition to 7Sage? So far I am finding it helpful but I was curious how other 7Sage users have used this in combination with 7Sage.
I’d really benefit from having someone to bounce ideas off of. Looking for a group where we can teach each other concepts and answer challenging questions together before reviewing the 7Sage answer.
Anyone looking for study partner in DC or DC area? I am planning on taking in Dec. Would especially like to find someone with whom I can take turns explaining logic games, definitely the area I need the most help. Shoot me a message if interested.
... been stagnant despite my increase in volume/depth of studying. I ... 'm stuck in the mid 150s (and have ... wed/sat and reviewing/focused study days in between.
... am looking for an LSAT study partner in the NYC area for ... test. Would preferably like to studyin person but alternatively, Skype/email ... improve on LR and RC. In order of relative ease: LG ... + (to account for variable change in test conditions) and to score ...
I plan on taking the June 2014 exam as well and live in Queens, NY. I'll be primarily self-studying but I'd be thrilled to have an additional study partner in order to help one another. PM me
Please help!!! I am also looking for a study budy in Boston. I am an international student and for me the LSAT is a pain in the *** (originally from France and never got used to this type of testing).
Hi! I'm also aiming to break 170 by December, I was planning on taking the September exam, but I'm still only scoring in the low 160s. Feel free to message me if you're still looking for a study buddy in NYC.
This is a duplicate thread, so I'm closing this one. Please reply to the other thread created here:
... . Be sure to keep this in mind, however: your progress will ... the amount of time you study. Putting in the time will of ... any discouragement and keep this in mind during your studying.
Hi I live in Richmond VA, I know it's too far for us to meet in person. I'm still looking for a study partner in my area but, maybe we can correspond via Skype or something. Let me know what you think!
Wow. I am so excited. I thought I was only one drawing game board in the Coffee shop in Hongdae coffee shop haha. I have been looking for Study buddy in Seoul! Send me a message if anyone interested in :)
... time out of your study schedule if you want ... conditions--which would result in sitting out the current ... how you study best. Do you study best in a library ... ARE able to focus. (Study breaks are great but sometimes ... the "groove," I can study for hours on end ...
I'm just starting to study fully and prepare for the ... look at all the schools in the DC area that I ... 'd definitely be down to study sometime in the near future. Again ...
hi! I am in Charlotte NC- definitely too far but I am looking for a study buddy in the case that I decide to take the Feb LSAT. Will you be in the CLT area at all?
... to support an online study group or partake in one. You guys ... sorry that I can't study with you all. But do ... feel free to form a study group in my absence.
I work in NYC & live inNJ and I am studying for the June 2015 LSAT as well. Google chat/hangouts works pretty well for group chat as well as the app GroupMe.