... for a similar score. A studygroups sounds like a great idea ... 'd love to join in. I (unfortunately) live in Katy, so the ... months now, though more intensively in the past month. Right now ...
... looking for an LSAT study partner in the NYC area for the June ... 2014 test. Would preferably like to studyin ... improve on LR and RC. In order of relative ease: LG ... + (to account for variable change in test conditions) and to score ...
Hey I'm located inNYC and am aiming to take the September test but might push back to December. Let me know if either if you would be interested in getting together to study! :)
HI! I just signed up and I am also inNYC! I would love to join a study group and take PT. Please email me at diaz.melissa08@gmail.com for more info. I work in midtown and live in Brooklyn.
... like to start studying in January. I live inNYC, so I would ... like to have face to face study ... for those who live inNYC and can meet in at a library ... personally needs lots of help in the logic games department. I ...
studypal.co is a website that allows you to find study buddies who are studying for the same test as you and may be in your area. You can form studygroups or share study calendars
... I was thinking about enrolling in a classroom setting course that ... I researched other prep courses in the area I realized that ... course. Also, the BR studygroups filled in some gaps I had about ... people in the Skype BR groups that are taking the LSAT in Oct ...
@Bstew.. yeah haven't heard anyone really say "WOW that section was easy dude! I finished that so fast and understood all of it" If you're in Austin feel free to PM me about studygroups and the like
... />
Consistently finishing 7 minutes early in LR is really fast lol ... 't getting -0 or -1 in this section then you may ... benefit in slowing down your pace a ... recommend checking out the BR studygroups too on Wed, Fri, or ...
... join the BR group (look in the studygroups subforum). We'll be ... . And chill out about variations in scores. If you start seeing ... sub-165 scores in the next few weeks, that ...
... Pacifico told me that in order for me to test ... still take my application seriously in february? is that too ... in, etc. and even moved from NYC back to my parents house in ... could be to solely study! Living in NY was a huge ... i am down to study and/or talk about all ...
... making an observation of two groups, make sure you are always ... starting points of the two groups. Is there anything that might ... E just said "The study conducted in the hospital had a control ... people who experienced the reduction in pain had their pain reduced ...
... I studied effectively. I took in October 2015, knowing I wasn ... PT average. I took again in December feeling more confident. My ... community. You get webinars and studygroups, and Sage office hours, and ... also accompanied by a shift in my habits and attitude. So ...
... you know about the BR studygroups? We usually review the LR ...
If you are interested in the daytime Friday BR call ... com/discussion/#/discussion/9168/interest-in-the-daytime-br-group in addition to whatever study sessions you do ...
In those 3-4 years, likely ... 180k, but cost of living inNYC is VERY expensive, trust me ... thing to do is to study hard for the LSAT and ... living like a college student inNYC to pay back over a ... hand what 250k+ of debt inNYC looks like.
I am 40 and am taking in December. Would love to try to join in on any conversations/studygroups, schedule-permitting. I work part-time and have 3 kids!