Our baby's due date was Monday the 18th, my test was scheduled for Wednesday the 20th. Now that the April test was cancelled I didn't know if I'd have to wait another half-year to take the test once I'd regained enough sleep to be functional after caring ...
I was sitting down at a hotel lobby getting ready to take my first LSAT ever. I remember reading huge words and arguments and thought to myself: "**Ok, I will never be a lawyer, this is only the entrance exam and I can barely shake it, how am I ever going ...
I moved to the US 10 years ago when I was 18, and I started speaking English only then. Unsurprisingly, Reading Comp is my weakest section. Anyone who speaks English as a second language but has experienced some success on the RC?
I am a little bit iffy on what to write about for my personal statement. Would that be more of a resume about why you want to go to law school, or tell a story about yourself? Currently, really confused. SOS.
Would love to hear where you took it and how the experience went! Would it be okay to register for a test center in one country and take the Flex online in another country?