So the title's a bit of an exaggeration, but in a funny ironic way learning logic games actually did serve to better my marriage and family life. I'm a non-traditional student with a 1 year old, a pregnant wife with another on the way in May (yay us!) and ...
Our baby's due date was Monday the 18th, my test was scheduled for Wednesday the 20th. Now that the April test was cancelled I didn't know if I'd have to wait another half-year to take the test once I'd regained enough sleep to be functional after caring ...
I was sitting down at a hotel lobby getting ready to take my first LSAT ever. I remember reading huge words and arguments and thought to myself: "**Ok, I will never be a lawyer, this is only the entrance exam and I can barely shake it, how am I ever going ...
I am a little bit iffy on what to write about for my personal statement. Would that be more of a resume about why you want to go to law school, or tell a story about yourself? Currently, really confused. SOS.
Hi, I'm going to be writing a diversity statement and in addition to some extensive googling, I wanted to know if anyone here has had success writing DS's or has some sage, or 7sage (bad joke) advice for writing a good DS. I've also looked at the ...
... am pretty confident that my story is unique, which is the ... advised me to condense that story to half, and write the ... dilute the impact of my story. What should I do?