... me into shape. Similar to him, I'vebeen studying for the LSAT full ... into my studies - I would tell myself that I'vebeen diligently studying, whereas ... now for my LSAT range, so there really isn't much ...
... t seem to be working so well for me but I've only done ... 3 RC sections sofar. Not sure if I should ... as @noonawoon has mentioned, I need to work on improving my ... />
Definitely going to check out Khan Academy! Thanksso much for taking ...
... but I am just now about to actually graduate soI registered ... for January 2021! I have ... myself about 2 months to study. I’vebeen reading The LSAT Trainer ... games until I started reading this book. So this would ...
I'd love to join! I'vebeen PT'ing in the high 160, low 170 range but had difficulty reaching my PT range during the November test. Would love to try out studying with a group to keep motivated.
... many PTs, and with so little time, I'd focus on skipping ... term isn't going to help. I have been averaging 6 hrs per day ... (36 hours/week) dedicated to just ... the LSAT. I applied to a law school (the one most feasible to ...
... yourself as an overachiever, I would like to tell you that nothing ... you have a will to do. I'vebeen working at a tech startup ... this test in January, I have been able to study 4 hours on ... timed PTs, and I think the pain I had to go through was ...
... to be up days and down days- I'vebeen at this two years, soI ... a break. So how does one manage: I personally like to dive into ... well/ at all. Another thing I've noticed is that the way ... are several necessary assumptions (LOL) I've made in writing this but ...
Hi! I would really appreciate your help as I have been struggling a lot with LR and don't know what to do :( I'vebeen going over the lessons and BR but nothing seems to click yet especially with 4/5 difficulty
Have you found that 7Sage's 12 hour length for ... end so as not to mislead. I have only done core curriculum lessons sofarsoI ... , or is it highly recommended to complete CC before taking on ...
I'vebeen struggling with MSS questions, soI drill every day. I would love someone's ... D is correct. I chose B. I find myself I think making assumptions ... instead of taking everything I need for my answer from ...
... that's its much easier to find the right answer ... a week and I've already seen small improvements. I'm hoping ... June LSAT I've done at least 3-4 sofar. I'm not ... really a good test taker so by ... . The one positive that I've taken from my work is ...
... ! I highly recommend talking to them when you visit. I've visited around 7 lawschools ... , and have talked to ... with some schools through the people I've talked to.
... subject matter beforehand, I nail it, and if I have never heard ... messy. It is to the point where I can read the first ... correctly answer. I've mostly gotten away with it sofar because I have a ... tests will be sufficient, since I've seen the subject matter before.
And from the few schoolsI've seen sofar (and ... this may be across most, if not all schools ... that's what I've seen from Michigan and GULC sofar, haven't ...
... found it so addictive that I've demolished 400 pages of it sofar (200 ... me tell you what to read! If law school doesn't work ... --it's so interesting!! Should be required reading in schools IMO.
... win sofar (as I’ve celebrated here haha) was an acceptance to UCLA ... and a significant scholarship. I would say sofar, my ... I’ve also heard that lawschools really do want a diversity of applicants. So ... major hasn’t seemed to hurt me sofar.
... big win sofar (as I’ve celebrated here haha) was an acceptance to UCLA ... I’ve also heard that lawschools really do want a diversity of applicants. So ... major hasn’t seemed to hurt me sofar.
... . There has been at least once where I have seen a ... was similar to one I had been doing over and over, soI whizzed ... through that hypothetical question, because I ... the pieces had to follow. I could certainly use ...
I wanted confirmation on this if anyone knows: I've heard that US lawschools refer ... to the Canadian grading ... US and plan to apply tolaw school here but I'm attending university ...
... partner, soI might be able to help. I think that at most lawschools, it ... , soI wouldn't be particularly worried about it. Lots of lawschools have ... feel a little less accepted (but honestly I still don't think ...
... all goes well, and I start law school in the Fall of ... I have been thinking about law school for far too long. I have finally begun to ... taken action. I ... don't feel that I am ...
... also Canadian and I've heard that our lawschools place more of an ... emphasis on GPA than American schools ... and your LSAT are so unique that I genuinely don't know ... there any way to take some extra courses to improve your GPA ...
... also Canadian and I've heard that our lawschools place more of an ... emphasis on GPA than American schools ... and your LSAT are so unique that I genuinely don't know ... there any way to take some extra courses to improve your GPA ...