
Word Docs Hits
the 163.9K 766.1K
welfare 24 37
state 1.9K 2.5K
cannot 3.5K 4.3K
be 76.5K 134.4K
successfully 341 358
implemented 193 221
because 28K 39.5K
it 111.3K 267.6K
rests 50 53
on 89.5K 175.8K
assumption 3.1K 5.2K
that 103.2K 265.4K
human 836 1.2K
beings 73 101
are 59.9K 106.9K
unselfish 0 0
a 135.8K 434.7K
seemingly 227 240
false 790 1.2K
is 102.5K 238.3K
feasible 268 303
only 25.9K 33.2K
if 75.8K 134.1K
wage 67 99
earners 4 7
prepared 1.7K 1.9K
to 152.3K 561.4K
have 76.2K 134.9K
their 14.2K 19.6K
hard 11.2K 13.5K
earned 345 387
funds 137 161
used 7.9K 9.3K
help 19.1K 23K
others 5.9K 6.6K
in 104.7K 242.3K
greater 655 758
need 21.1K 27.1K
and 132.9K 408.1K
requires 1.2K 1.3K

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