... should also try doing untimed and timed sections of LR from the ... , if your BR oruntimed scores are better than timed scores then there ... the q-stem, the stimulus, or the answer choice? That will ... difficult (4-5 star) questions or easier ones that you struggle ...
... what didn’t, both timed and untimed. For any missed question ... of the question stem or you incorrectly identified the ... wrong conclusion, or just a simple misread. ... , and blind review those timed practice sets. For LG ...
... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then 174 ... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then ... with untimed work. this is basically BR without a timed run ... . Once your BR scores are higher or as ... BR: Once your scores timed and untimed start to match within ...
... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then 174 ... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then ... with untimed work. this is basically BR without a timed run ... . Once your BR scores are higher or as ... BR: Once your scores timed and untimed start to match within ...
... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then 174 ... I went from 153 untimed to 164 and then ... with untimed work. this is basically BR without a timed run ... . Once your BR scores are higher or as ... BR: Once your scores timed and untimed start to match within ...
... get all the questions correct untimed before you move onto ... the first few problem set untimed (or even the last problem set ... get everything right during the untimed section, move onto timing your ... was doing a mixture of timed and untimed sections after the CC.
... a little bit more time or the ability to go back ... the flaw in your logic or that preposition you missed in ... will keep a gap between timed and untimed but your score in ... a 15ish percent difference between timed and untimed is definitely in the ...
... be exact) Scoring ~156 timed, ~163+ untimed. I study 4-5 evenings ... want to waste your time or have you waste mine. I ... like to link with 2 or 3 people that are serious ... might sway you one way or another...because who knows how ...
... in a similar position - first untimed, diagnostic I took in July 2020 ... and decided to take a timed test this past December and ... mid-December. I took another untimed test 2 weeks ago and ...
... . Was the 172 a fluke, or is that around where you ... you scored a 162 timed and a 178 untimed, it really does ... . If you scored 162 both timed and untimed, I'd just recommend ...
... . Was the 172 a fluke, or is that around where you ... you scored a 162 timed and a 178 untimed, it really does ... . If you scored 162 both timed and untimed, I'd just recommend ...
Your untimedor BR score reflects your theoretical potential score for a particular PT. Having a big gap between your timed and untimed scores isn't a bad thing, but it does mean you'll need more practice to hone what you already know and close the gap.
... on my experience, your timed vs untimed scoring ratio is pretty much ... skewed somewhat heavily towards your timed tests. I typically score ... respectively. My ratio of timed vs untimed scoring is far worse than ... That said, I guess whether or not it makes sense to ...
... is your timed and untimed score, I'd review CC or drill untimed sections ... you can perform significantly better untimed, try giving yourself an extra ... the questions, work through them, untimed, until you can make sense ...
... be to take a timed, real-world diagnostic. I have a feeling ... that your experience taking the diagnostic will be a wakeup call ... , before you're ready or even know your diagnostic score, will actively ...
... difference between missing one or two questions you otherwise ...
4. Drilling weaknesses timed and untimed. If you find a certain ... kind of game, reading passage, or ... maybe four games, or three passages, or ten LR questions of ...
... of either LR/LG/RC or full PTs, blind reviewing them ... , LG, and RC -- doing timed and untimed sections, troubleshooting recurring issues that ...
... on untimed LR vs 2/3/4 on timed LR. ... of reading too quickly or failing to process the ... I should continue thinking or skip ahead to the ... a timer on my "untimed practice test" and just ... remove the distinction of timed vs untimed problem solving-- primarily ...
Let's ... advise of doing these ones timedor not timed? I was initially thinking ... of doing them not timed to digest the concept well ... sections? and will that be timedor not timed?