... to my home university's transcript, and the letter grades actually ... show up on my transcript. Will LSAC count these 3 ... show up on my UG transcript? Thank you for your help ...
I'm hoping to attend a US law school next summer but I am worried about the expensive tuition. I heard that it's harder for foreign students to receive scholarships.. Is this true? I'd appreciate any advice on receiving a scholarship!
... problems with the LSAC transcript system. Among which, ... Germany has no university transcript. They ignored my email ... LSAC required some Germany University transcript with my internship abroad. ... their rules on international transcript for US undergrad here: ...
I have 7 more classess before I complete undergrad. Do you think it's okay to submit an official transcript to LSAC now or should I wait? Thank you for your assistance.
After high school, I spent two years at one college before transferring to a different institution, where I started more or less started over as a freshman (I was able to transfer credits from one course). My GPA before the transfer ...
I got a 172 on the July exam so I figured I would be contacted by a few schools with fee waivers and things. Will they only reach out after my transcript is submitted through CAS?