I submitted my application to Columbia on Jan. 5 and was waitlisted yesterday. When I was filling in the reserve form I discovered the form was titled "first reserve", does anyone know what it means? Thxxx!
Do most schools care about your undergrad GPA after admission? I'm in my last semester of undergrad, and of course I don't plan on bombing my last semester, but I was wondering if schools care about the GPA on your final transcript.
Long story short: I have been waitlisted at 5 schools. Sent 2 loci, visited. It's been 3 weeks with no answer. I want to keep in touch. Should I send a quick email? What should I say? Is it appropriate to send a transcript addendum?
... test date, you may request a full refund of your ... br />
You may request a full refund of your ... registration by submitting a signed request to LSACrefunds@lsac.org. Please ... Subject line. The signed refund request must be received by August ...
With this recent app update it got trickier to put in the answer choices. So many extra steps. Instead of having it in a form of mobile app now its just a website in mobile version. WHY DID YOU CHANGE IT 7SAGE?