... trying to make a studyschedule, whereas I will study for 8 hours ... time and then can't study for a few days afterwards ... to October, and using these 3 months to study about 40 hours ...
... I’m sorta new to 7Sage and I’m working through ... make the most of my study time and Live Classes package ... ? It seems like my personalized studyschedule, so far, doesn’t interact ...
Hoping to form a study group of about 3ish people who are committed to sticking to a studyschedule with the intent of focusing on LR/RC mastery. Please send me a DM/MESSAGE to let me if you would like to join :)
... direction on how to study (as well as ... Study for the LSAT: Advice from a 180-Scorer](https://7sage ... .com/how-to-study-for-the- ... long to study for, what a good study plan looks ... how to build your weekly studyschedule, and lots more.
I have been studying with 7Sage for the last 4 months and improved my diagnostic from 148 to a 170 yesterday (pt83). Please feel free to reach out for questions about studyschedule or my process. Happy to help!
I would like to discuss strategies that other people are currently using to study for the January or February LSAT administrations. How many hours a week are you working, are you using any other courses, what is your study plan, etc.
I noticed today the RC Curriculum, as I am going through it, changed from 244 lessons to 169!! I am happy but is 7Sage adding more lessons in or will it remain at 169 lessons? Thanks, I am trying to get my studyschedule correct.
My study scheduler does not take into account the lessons i have already learned or the prep tests i have already taken. Is there a way to create a studyschedule that does take into account these things?
... currently studying for the LSAT using7Sage, Loophole by Ellen Cassidy, The ... navigating the LSAT/7Sage material and brainstorm different study strategies + organizational strategies ...
... everyone! I've recently started using7sage to prepare for the February ... that’s sufficient. Some friends using other programs have already started ...
hi everyone! i just took my diagnostic and did a BR. i signed up for 7sage. does anyone have any advice for a beginner lsat taker? Also does anyone have advice on when to drill while completing the curriculum? Thank you!
... journey and loved 7sage's curriculum. I created my studyschedule that I ... the August 2024 LSAT my studyschedule gets all messed up on ... to continue with my original studyschedule and simply skip over the ...
... to study for on the LSAT. now that i am using7sage some ... because I had prior knowledge. 7sage is pretty much going to ... 't find the answer on 7sage but that is rare. Good ...
Let me give a little clarification to my question: When you sign-in on 7Sage you go to course, from there, which should you select, the syllabus or the studyschedule. They both have different material.