... what you mean by "the variableplaybackspeed"? Do you have trouble changing ... />
You can change that playbackspeed using the buttons at the ... the audio at the normal speed). Or you can also press ...
... on some videos using faster playback speeds severely distorted JY's ... video playing at a faster speed, something happens to the audio ... frequently enough where trying to playback at 1.4x means I ...
For LG vid pages, is there a way I can have my default player be the 7Sage one? Youtube's max playbackspeed isn't fast enough and doesn't have useful question markers.
... the option to change video playbackspeed - is anyone else noticing this ... watch it at a faster speed and when I go to ... 's stuck in the faster speed that I changed it to ... 've noticed only sometimes the playbackspeed adjuster function shows up and ...
... change the video speed when watching on an iPad? When on my ... over the video and the speed options pop up, but I ... them to show on my iPad. Whenever I tap the video ... to full screen, but no speed options. How do I access ...
... : Video playback now properly defaults to your last chosen speed. It was ... showing your last chosen speed, but not actually playing the ... video at that speed.
When I use the app on my phone or my iPad, the speed function for the videos shows but has no effect, or does not show at all.
Anyone else have a problem with this?
Sometimes when I load a new lesson in the syllabus, the video playback controls like video speed do not show, just the time and play button. If I refresh, sometimes it shows up. But does anyone know why this is or how I can fix it?
... any increases in my reading speed. When I purposely try to ... speed up, my accuracy suffers. Any ... tips on increasing reading speed while maintaining accuracy? I know ...