Got a bunch of messages from another thread requesting the LG spreadsheet I use. Here's a download link for it. It has room for all of the tests, PTs 1-83.
What is generally recommended as the best prep for being a 1L?
Should we be resting as much as we can to save energy for the marathon? Should we be reading certain materials in preparation? Is there a benefit to getting any of the books ...
... changed. I booked a hotel room that is not refundable at ... in going and wants my room, I will give it to ... change the name on the room to yours). PM me with ...
Is anyone else feeling this way? I’m working a 9-5 job and am increasingly feeling unsatisfied with it. Just feeling like I’m in limbo and going crazy while I wait for Law School moves for next year. Literally can’t wait till I quit this place! I’m ...
Is anyone else having an issue waiting for LSAC to process a transcript? My undergrad submitted my transcripts via the electronic exchange over a week ago but it's still not showing on LSAC.
Holy cow my anxiety is peaking! Are they all waiting to reject me in one fell swoop? I know I'm just being impatient, but still! Anyone else still waiting on a bunch of schools to get back to them? lol