**Proctors**: We had 1 proctor in the testing room and 1 ... outside of the room ... outside. The in-room proctor left the room1 time to switch ... of the room. The temperature of the room was comfortable. ...
... any early questions from between question1 and 10 that throw me ... , I get stuck on a question and become too discouraged to ... 'm selecting. For instance, on question 13 in an LR section ...
... , and it's making me question if I should change my ... to ask a couple of question: 1. Does anybody know when ... />
Apologies for the long question! I just don't want ...
So for this question, I initially ... This was a weaken except question. The correct answer was C ... Prep Test 40 Section 3, Question1. The correct answer here ... for the weaken question, and yet resolves this question. Could you ...
... and definitive answer to this question, which there is not, ... individual test taker. So, any question type can potentially be a ... approach them differently. Approach each question with a critical eye. question #1) or a nuclear bomb (LR ...
6) Hit " ... the clock app.
7) Question1. Do it. When you're ... ) For any *question* that takes you:
—More than 1 minute, highlight ... each game and 1 minute to answer every question. Like I said ...