... , Notre Dame, Minnesota, ASU, George Washington, and Florida and probably some ... some that are. Georgia and Washington and Lee, both rank 31, are ...
... Davis, North Carolina, Colorado, Washington and Lee, and Arizona all have a ... their median. Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Washington, Pepperdine, OSU, FSU, Utah, Maryland ...
Not sure about you all but reading that book as a kid confirmed my "naive"/"idealist" goals. So excited for her sequel, the announcement legitimately made me pumped for Saturday. Good luck everyone, getting one step closer to your goals!
... Kim's argument or weakening Lee's? My initial thought was ... as it directly addresses something Lee says, I wanted to confirm ... of Kim's explanation against Lee's criticism?"
It seems as answer A is actually agreeing with Lee's argument. Am I incorrect by thinking that the question stem is asking for us to refute Lee's argument?
Your explanation that ... answer seems to strengthen Lee’s argument rather than Kim ... ’s because Lee argues “change is because ... thanks for information. This weakens Lee’s argument, but does ...
Proctors: The proctors were faculty and students at UDC law school and were relatively no-nonsense and once in the rooms, accommodated the best they could.
Facilities: lines for the bathroom were long, and there wasn't a lot of waiting room ...
Proctors: 5 proctors total, with 2 in the back watching. Overall very good. Stuck to the time well, gave clear instructions, announced 5 minute warnings. Only drawback was the proctor who passed out the test forms excruciatingly slowly.
I watched the explanation for this game and am struggling with why in the set up you can not assume that HIRED equals INTERVIEWED (i.e., that they are interchangeable terms), since ...