... this one. I understand the gist of whatanswer B is saying, but ... I don't understand how the ... to make in the other answerchoicesare necessarily better than the assumption needed for ...
Answer A: This is what I chose, even though ... theanswerchoices didn't work. This answer is incorrect because the dollar amount of the ... ? The passage never indicates that the rule given is the only rule. What if ...
... policy. Now, what if the proportion was 99%? The rich might have ... the conclusion or not.
Answer A: This is what ... though since we are usually supposed to accept theanswerchoices as true. ... it would be), what if this answer choice said "a ...
... />
Would the LSAT ever use the same flaw type ... the same question? For example, would it ever have multiple answerchoices ... are many subcategories of this flaw type but would they have answerchoices ... that falls under the subcategories
The Trainer PREACHED to eliminate all wrong answerchoices first for ... 99% of questions then chose the right answer. Do ... about -2 per section LR. What do you guys do?
... />
What I am looking for: I think there are a few ... things wrong with this argument. First is the ... the valley is responsible for the increase.
... make heads are tails of this argument/figure out what it ... I had no idea what any of theanswerchoices were doing since I ... couldn't understand the argument. ... out what is going on. What is the rest of the argument ...
What I am looking for: What if the technology to catch ... evidence against them? What if all of the "good" car ... . So what if they abandon the car later? What does that ...
Answer C: This might make the situation weirder. If police resources are ...
... if you guys could answerthe following questions in the comments below or ... average over the last 5 PTs?
5) What is your ... LSAT goal?
6) Whatare you struggling with when it ... flaw questions?
7) Whatare you hoping to gain from the clinic?
For those that have taken the LSAT actual exam before, what works best for you, to bubble after you answer each question or to bubble after each page, or two pages? Thank you in advance.
• Work on Pre-phrasing/anticipating theanswerchoices: the answerchoices in certain types of questions ... : That’s whatthe subject of the cases are
a. Answer choice could refer ...
... the low 160s, aiming for a 170. I want to know what ... not skip until you read theanswerchoices? Is there some type of ... to know if most are you are reading the stimulus once, twice, three ...
... that “J and I are siblings” means the same thing as “I ... and J are siblings.” This isn’t true since the word order ... wrong because he misses the point of what it means to “understand ... is that the LSAT is very good at creating answerchoices that SEEM ...
... asking whatthe title asks, I sometimes find sections that are labeled as ... sections sometimes have games that are harder than games I ... medium section ones because of the three relatively easy games, they ... do it twice, but the rules are very unique imo and hard ...
The characters are too stylized for them to ... true SA question. Answer D (the correct answer) also uses the word success. what technically makes this better than ...
Eliminating Attractor Choices with @"Quick Silver" ...
—Attractor vs Correct AnswerChoices
—Common traits ... Common traits of Correct AnswerChoices
—"Find the Flaw" Method the LSAT despite an initial PT of 149. He believes there are ...
... />
One way to approach the question "what is real?" is to ...
Answer B: This is the correct answer, but I don't really see what ... it's doing. Doesn't this answer choice ... assumption. Plus, arethe entities real?
... don't see what I am missing. How is answer choice A ... ecological problems solved).
What I am looking for: This ... environmental problem not caused by the government)--->(Few serious ... are way wrong, but I don't see how answer A paraphrases the ...
... be answerchoices that arethe author’s opinion and this is not what it ... TRAP ANSWERCHOICES
iv. Pick theanswer choice that fills the gap and does what ... answerchoices that are too extreme as well
1. A lot of theanswerchoicesare ...
... 4pm ET: Eliminating Attractor AnswerChoices (with Sage Jimmy Dahroug ... Only the live webinars are free and open to the ... Common traits of Correct AnswerChoices
—"Find the Flaw" Method ... the LSAT despite an initial PT of 149. He believes there are ...
... don't see how answer A weakens the argument nor how B ... even a good comparison; what if the two are so different physiologically any ... to the argument weakens anything.
Whatare some of the strategies and techniques you ... after a BR? Whatare some of the best ways to collect ... br />
Below are some of the strategies I've used ...
- Chronicling the reasons behind my wrong answerchoices, tallying the number of times ...
What I'm finding is that ... when I'm wading through theanswerchoices. And of course, I ... to approach different question types are irrelevant at this stage, ... just instantly understand the stimulus and attack theanswer choice with so ...