If you check my posts, I have timing problems. When I dothetest untimed, I get more than 20 points higher (160s) than the timed test. Any input is very appreciated.
... . brain messed up by the logical diagrams in answerchoices. Question is here ... ; B.
Answer A gives the contrapostive of the missing link. But ... avoid the tempting answer choice "some, might, may..." although the phrasing is exactly the ...
I came across this gem of a video today from TedX talk. I find it really relevant to a lot of questions that I have had and that people keep bringing up -why is my hard work in studying for LSAT not translating into a better score? I think this video does ...
In PT 77, Section 2, Questions 5 and 14 they both use the word "linked" in their arguments. When the LSAT uses the word "linked," does it only mean correlation?
... of questions in the logical reasoning section require the use of ... doesn't seem to affect the question at all. Other ... I miss them completely. What are the common question types that ... these out in the __x___ ---> ___y___ fashion? Whatdothe question stems ...
... decided to take the dive and dothetest anyway to quench ... did and I registered for the September in good spirits. ... I've taken the last few weeks off ... waiting for the score, and now I ... around.
... repeatedly selecting the most attractive wrong answerchoices for each of the questions. My ... reasoning techniques to identify the correct answerchoices. So I am wondering ... strategies works with finding the correct answer to logical reasoning/weakening ...
Help! I still have not received my September score. I did not receive an email and my account still has thetestscores listed as unavailable. Any thoughts?
... also studying full time. The best way to learn for ... with others the questions and the reasoning for the correct and incorrect answerchoices. I ... RC sections and BR together the sections.
If you ... 're interested join the group me,
... Edited to remove the Question Stem and AnswerChoices. Please review the [Forum Rules ... to understand why exactly the key word's shift ... realize that it shifts in the main conclusion when they ...
My thoughts: if the author shifts in this meaning ...
... I chose (B), but the correct answer is (E). Please help ... Note: Edited title. Please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# ... brief description of the question." Also deleted the stimulus because it ... 15) to post the LSAT questions or AnswerChoices on the forum**
... a hard time understanding why answer choice E is wrong ... and why answer choice B is correct ... - brief description of the question." Also deleted the stimulus because it is ... /#/discussion/15) to post the LSAT questions or AnswerChoices on the forum**
... question but I was wondering what exactly thetest format looks like for ... - is the standard one comparable to the actual format on thetest? I read ... and pencil format of thetest that would be super helpful ...
Is it possible to import preptests taken on LawHub into 7Sage? Has anyone ever done this, beyond manually completing the exam with your answerchoices on 7Sage?
Check marks showing progress in my syllabus have disappeared as well as the option to eliminate answerchoices in drills. This hasn’t happened to me before. Any advice?
Oh! One more thing: try to close your eyes 10-15 minutes before bed and dothetest on your head. You don't know the exact question when you do this but it's like learning to swim in your head. Imagine with details each move.
... in school and focus on whatthe author provides me with. ... . I focus on the theory the passage attempts to explain ... any better?
- Whatdothe critics say about this new ... hypothesis / study
- What evidence does the passage provide?
- Authors ...
Drill. But do each test many times. The second time you dothetest, it will be ... quicker and clearer. As the ... clarity increases with each test, you will (hopefully) enjoy the clarity of the ...
First identify the premise and conclusion, weaken the support bwtn the premise and conclusion. Remember the beam example? Avoid answerchoices that weaken the conclusion, as well as the premise since that'll be too easy to identify.
@mirandalpm The key to speed while minimizing ... accuracy is practice. The more you practice the faster you will get ... manner you need to understand what skillsets thetest is requiring of you ...
29th? wouldn't the location be the same as the one in previous ... of hilarious and sad at the same time that no ... who/where they dothetest. doesn't inspire confidence in thetest center unlike ... Santa clara U, which was the best