... section. Reading Comp is my best section, and on my last PT, it was the ... first section of the ... wasn't focused enough during the first section. After reading through this ...
... until December, because trying PT+BR inthe same day didn't help ... for plenty of preptests. this is also pretty intense though! original ... thread is: http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion ...
... inthe earlier tests do look and feel much different than more recent ... through some of the convoluted language there, the questions intherecent tests seem much ... inthe answers. But if you can't figure out what the question is ...
... else weird happened. Inthe middle of the test (3rd section, post fire ...
My response to the proctor was a very apologetic ... keeping your pencil moving is one of the hallmarks of a ... told my pencil is too loud inthe building where the fire alarm ...
... I was on autopilot, answering the questions without really thinking about ... 10+ minutes at the end of each section to look over my ... up that time). I left the test centre feeling really confident ... I scored somewhere around my PT average (inthe mid/high 170s), but ...
... for the next 2 weeks or so. Your BR score is increasing ... type or LG game type is that you become more familiar ... . I would save some PT's inthe late 30's and early ... drill by timed sections. The idea is that you want to slowly ...
... with. When it happened inthe test I took I ... about the oddball tests is that in those tests the curve is likely ... to be higher - the bad thing is ... your best section) coming back to questions inthe LG sectionis very ...
Just remember that this is a marathon and not a ... def do not burn through the newer PT's (52-74) until ... you have mastered the basics and have drilled the older PT's. the 160 barrier and have been PT'ing inthe 167+ thus ...
... what the stimulus is saying before you move to the answer ... and then figure out whythe author believes the conclusion to be (premises ...
It might take a while inthe beginning but, once you get ... of writing out what is going on inthe stimulus, your intuition ...
The grammar of the OP and ... about the presentation makes me feel as if his end game is ... re-learning how one reads is likely MUCH more time consuming ...
... GREAT that your reasoning is exactly as the video explanation. If you ... have the time, reinforce what you know, ... to the point it becomes second nature (like dissecting arguments inthe comments section ...
... to accurately reading the stimuli in a manner that is expedient without sacrificing ... . So much of timing inthe LR sectionis being able to realize when ... in principle questions when the stimulus conclusion is presented as a sufficient condition in ...
... think what you describe isthe ideal. BR'ing circled answers ... everyone's time is limited. Ideal situation is keep on track ... not-sacrificed-to-perfect situation is keeping on track with ... circled answers in drills and PT's.
... of specific examples are (why did the author put that example there ... can subtly reveal what the author's attitude isinthe more challenging passages ... I do for passages is draw brackets inthe margins to show where ...
... do inthe books I bought. So much so, in fact, that there is ... no hint inthe PDF what PT it was ... to mark them with thePT number but the PDF can't be ... edited. The filename does, however, reflect thePT ...
... myself so my BR is always 2-5 points ... 're PT'ing inthe 160 range and BR'ing inthe mid ... 170 range then that is ... of consolidating whatever your process is there. For RC it ... an aside, does the stress of the timing get to you ...
"foggy" is a relative term. Have you drilled enough of the LR question types, LG game types? Are you done with the 7Sage curriculum? I would probably take a full PT (preferably inthePT 50's so you can save the newer ones) just to gauge your process.
... consolidate what I think isthe best advice here: the PTs hard. I'd start over at PT ... 36 and work your way through them until October. Between the ... or even three is a drop inthe bucket compared to ... what is to come later.< ...
... every correct answer choice is actually PRESENT inthe passage. So, when you ... already taken, look for the credited answer inthe passage, and if it ... ' answer choices than any other section-- word choice is incredibly precise.
... before I take my PT's to warm ... tested on. This is really the only tactic that ... the pencil to the passage at all. I think at the end of the ... huge piece of the puzzle is being INTERESTED inthe passage. I know ... and get engaged. Approaching the passages with fear, ...
... . I'm concerned about the first LR, there was ... outside my window during the first section and it really threw ... the city revenues question being inthe first section.
By the ... them know about the disturbances outside, is there anything concrete ...
... PDF pages of the logic games bundle ... not sure why there was one inthe closet. But ... , I'm pretty sure a bonfire is illegal in ... Arizona, especially this time of year when it is ... so hot. And I would prefer not have to explain why ...
I always find the 1st game inthe LG section hard due to this issue , particularly if it isthe first section . It takes some time for me to "get inthe zone" ... I will try constant mental stomping :-) before I sit down to test.
... is for people to go through a whole section of the curriculum ... on learning lessons from the quizzes inthe logic section, they can be ... MSS questions inthe two sections before the logic section if you' ... at least the first problem set in each section and treat ...
... December is not late inthe cycle. February/March is late inthe cycle depending on the ... school, but is true in ... they hate it so much, why don't they do something ...
... inthe personal statement ... inthe admissions evaluation to the personal statement. The statement should provide the members of the ... why you are interested inthe study and practice of law. It is ... also an opportunity for the ...
I took my fourth PT today after a week of ... the LR section. I saw a significantly improvement inthe LR Section, although weirdly enough, thesection ... I improved the most on was the RC section ...