as for the writing, you can still take it ... the multiple-choice exam. the writing testing fees have already been ... will stay open or your writingsample will still be valid (if ...
... a "cancel" option for the writingsample. you can retake it and ... have an impact on your writingsample, and vice versa. though, you ... 'll need at least 1 writingsample on file to be able ... the writing after waiting until you find out that your writingsample is ...
I think your writingsample is only valid for one ... ; If I took the LSAT writing last November do I need ... If you already have a Writing on file, then you don ...
... :
> I think your writingsample is only valid for one ... ; If I took the LSAT writing last November do I need ... If you already have a Writing on file, then you don ... test date to complete your writingsample, once it's done, you ...
Hey have you guys been able to practise the writingsample on Get Acquainted? I have been trying to but seems like that I'm about to enter the actual exam. I've downloaded their PSI software, just can't figure out how to practice on Get Acquainted. #help
... time to work on my scratch papers. even if they don ... />
3. (high priority) on my scratchpaper, i write down questions that ... />
4. (medium priority) on my scratchpaper, i write down questions that ...
Have u guys tried the Get Acquainted on the LSAC website ?? I wanna practice writing before actually taking the exam, but don’t know how to. I’ve installed the software and everything but can’t get around to practice the writingsample. #help
... the same format for the writingsample thing, but it doesn't ... you any prompts or practice writing samples. It just lets you ... webpage/textbox you'll be writing in so there are no ...
... won't be sending multiple writing samples even if you complete ... can no longer purchase lsat writing as a standalone). i'd ... you're happy with your writingsample, i wouldn't worry about ... 'm happy with my current writingsample, I'm going to leave ...
... you have at least one writingsample on file. They typically take ... took 1 week). Once your sample has been processed, then you ... CAS account, click on LSAT Writing, and then LSAT ...
Update: I ended up speaking with the LSAC folks to discuss some unrelated issues and the writingsample came up. They said they provides schools with the two most recent samples.
So sorry you had to go through this. However if it’s any consolation, I did my writingsample 11/23 and it was approved today! (11/25). So you might not have to wait till Christmas to see your score :)
... i suppose) to the writingsample topics that had been released ... so how "strong" your writing is will be subjectively evaluated ... than harm by following their writing guidelines:
You are supposed to go into LSAC and click the link to launch the writingsample.
Click on LSAT Writing - scroll to the bottom of the page and you should see it.
I think you'll also have to download a program to use for the writingsample. The LSAC page has all of the information for it, though. :) I know it opened up for use with the January test yesterday (8th).
... 't do it now. These writing samples can take at most ... score till u have a writingsample on record. Also LSAC purposely ... take longer to score the writingsample