I have a question about a course including unlimited editing.
Does it really mean unlimited unlimited editing?
So we can ask him to edit as many times as we want?
Does he check the content only or will he correct grammar ...
... of schools have an optional essay where you write why you ... just write an optional addendum essay explaining why you want to ... applicants could write an optional essay on why they wanted to ... just write up a short essay (2 paragraphs or so, or ...
Hey guys,
I wrote the December LSAT but i indicated that i might be writing the February lsat on my OLSAS applications (Canada). Does this mean they won't review my application until after the February results come out? Does anyone know?
Hey, guys! I'm just drilling a few weaken questions on my lunch break and I have a question about AC C. I eliminated it but I haven't found my reasoning in the forums that matched mine, so I want to make sure I eliminated it for the right reasons. The AC ...
... é should include a summary of written scholarships, presentations..." What are these ... undergrad degree, what count as "written scholarships"? And we've all ...