What are the most common question types on LR, as in the types such as weakening, principle etc that appear the most often on the test. We know what the most common LG types are, I'm just wondering if there are also any hard statistics for LR?
... I'm not necessarily recognizing common flaws, not immediately anyway. I ... understand the common flaw listed included in the ... more advantageous to memorize the common flaws or just be able ...
Hello! Wanted to know if anyone had PT questions for some common flaws that I can watch? I'm looking for a necessary/sufficiency confusion and correlation/causation so I can see the two flaws back to back. Thanks:)
By my count the common core uses 19 PT’s (17-35). My question is, does the common use every question from these tests? I could see maybe for LR but not so much for LG.
I just did a prep test that had a lot of spacial games, like one of the earlier ones. Is this something that gets less common or more common for more recent ones? I find them kind of annoying because of how weird they are. Thanks!
Anyone have this message come up? I use chrome as my browser and at least once for every video I play, I get this error. It didn't bother me too much until it happened with my exam proctor in the middle of an exam.