Hey, curious as to what will be going on with 7sage with these changes... @"Dillon A. Wright" @"J.Y. Ping"
Let's all try to sign on at 8:15 EST tonight for BR group because we want to start at 8:30 SHARP (accommodating West Coasters coming home from work because inclusion). In fact, I will be so ...
This question was, once again, a victim to bad habits. The habit in question was the "they're gonna trick me" habit. Guys, this is bullcrap. Don't choose less reasonable AC's ...
If you're looking for a distraction with many hilarious tricks and turns of argument, take a look at this [from this article, "100 Photos Inside NK" http://www.earthnutshell.com/100-photos-from-north-korea-part1/]:
All groups now meeting at 7pm ET. Folks with schedule restraints—please just join when you can. You won't miss much. Any serious objections, please PM me. Schedules can be changed but only if you let me know!!
For the newbies: Add me on Skype, using handle dmlevine76.
For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.< ...
for our BR Group. That’s for the other BR group taking the LSAT actual this weekend (See http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/4525/pep-rally-weds-8pm-et- ...
Last week, we only had one taker for Friday Group BR. If no one’s interested this week, we should probably move it to a different day (maybe a morning group BR???). I’m open to suggestions...
Any interest in an additional Monday Morning Group BR???
We had good attendance for all BR groups last week, but I saw a few who wanted to do mornings. Who would be interested in Mondays? If we add a fourth, that’s fine, but I’m not entirely ...
Feb peeps! Please take a look at this tentative schedule below and comment your thoughts/revisions. You should also add me on Skype. My username is dmlevine76 . Please include in your friend request message that you want to get into the February Group .< ...