You're allowed to mention the content of a question/passage/game, but not the actual game type, question type, specific RC questions.
I didn't take it today but I've been lurking around all day so I pretty much know the real sections, lol.
... , arrangement, and enhancement of such content, as well as in the ... content original to it. Website users ... way exploit, any of the content, in whole or in part ...
I have the LR study guide that has been floating around. If you send me an e-mail ( i'll be more than happy to pass a copy to you.
There is a google doc circulating for LR questions :) if you want a copy, please e-mail my work e-mail: [removed]. I can send you a copy when I get to work on Monday.
I'd love to be added in! I just w/d my Feb registration. I've gone through most of the 7sage content but plan on attacking without the pressure of "cramming"....which you can't do for this I've learned ;/ PM me!
... developing the program, overhead, taxes, etc., that's not a ton ... don't take the test etc., but it provides an idea ... , or mix and match course content until you figure out a ...
@emli1000 - It's so weird because I scrolled my screen just enough to see your comment "They're Out" and panicked, checked my e-mail and then scrolled down to see jk....Good one!