I would HIGHLY recommend mixing them up. I mixed up the 30s, 40s, and 50s and felt really prepared because I felt like I could tackle any twist LSAT writers threw at me. Then, I got owned by the 60s and REALLY wished I had added those into the mix.
A person who got 180 did all the PT 3 times at his time. He also mentioned that doing all the PTs that are after 50s 3 times. @7sagelsatstudent180 , I think I am looking for 20X3.
I did PT 60s and I think they are comparative harder than 50s and 40s. Maybe it is because LSAC changed some styles. But the fundamentals are the same. Premise, conclusion, get the support, get the flaw, attack it or bridge it!
@markariangeorge Yes, I'm currently a full-time undergrad. I have five PTs in the 40s, three in the 50s and two in the 70s. I was thinking about taking some of the early tests (1-35) as well.