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Lesson 8 of 10, 1mComparison of LRAP Programs for T14 Schools (2023)
A Loan Repayment Assistance Program helps law school graduates pay off their student loans. We’ve compiled data on T14 LRAP programs with help from the Financial Justice Coalition, a student initiative at Harvard Law School. Please note that this information may have errors or be out of date, so you should double-check with the schools.
Please see here for additional information on loan repayment options and definitions of important terms used in this summary.
To see a general summary of this information in table form, please see here.
Table of Contents (USNWR Rank/School)
- Yale University (CT)
- Stanford University (CA)
- University of Chicago (IL)
- Columbia University (NY)
- Harvard University (MA)
- University of Pennsylvania
- New York University
- University of Virginia
- University of California—Berkeley
- University of Michigan
- Duke University (NC)
- Northwestern University (IL)
- Cornell University (NY)
- Georgetown (DC)
Yale University (CT)
Name: COAP. Full policy.
How it works: YLS pays you a certain amount based on the criteria below, and then you pay off your loans.
Amortization Basis: For each eligible graduate, the Program will impute a loan repayment schedule that will enable the graduate to repay all covered loans in ten years from the time the graduate enters the Program. For the first five years, the repayment amount will be based on a fifteen-year straight line repayment of principal and interest at the loan repayment interest rate. For the second five years, the repayment amount will be based on a five-year straight line repayment of remaining principal and interest.
Negative Amortization Risk [even when you pay, the amount you owe will still go up because you are not paying enough to cover the interest]: No.
Eligible Loans: All need-based loans taken to finance JD degree along with up to $30,000 of need-based undergraduate debt. Includes up to $10,000 for bar loans, and clerkship loan up to $10,000/year for two years.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation.
Application Timing: Can apply at anytime within ten years of your graduation from YLS.
Eligible Employment: All employment is eligible. Eligibility is determined by income and debt.
Clerkship Support: Clerks are eligible to receive a COAP loan at the YLS loan interest rate. If you then move into COAP eligible employment, that loan will be rolled into what's covered by COAP.
Contribution/Support Schedule: (the amount the borrower is expected to contribute to educational loan repayment)
<$50k: None.
$50-$65k: 15% of income over $50k;
$65-$80k: $2,250 + 30% of income over $65k;
>$80k: $6,750 + 60% of income over $80k.
No upper income limit.
Asset Allowances (except for these, add in your assets to the income):
$6,000 + $6,000 x years in COAP are excluded for income calculation purposes. Retirement accounts are also excluded.
Spousal Support Calculation: $40,000 of spousal income is excluded along with any educational loan payments made by the spouse.
Dependent Deduction: $8,000 per dependent plus up to $17,000 for "reasonable" expenses for dependent care.
Stanford University (CA)
Name: LRAP, Here. Program terms 2023 here.
How it works: Stanford Law School will lend eligible applicants the funds to help meet their monthly educational loan payments. Loans are awarded on an annual basis. If the graduate remains in qualifying public interest employment for the full year, 100% of that loan is forgiven at the end of the calendar year.
Amortization Basis: 10-year straight amortization
Negative Amortization Risk [even when you pay, the amount you owe will still go up because you are not paying enough to cover the interest]: No.
Eligible Loans: All need-based educational loans, including all graduate and undergraduate debt with no limit. Includes up to $10,000 for bar loans. Need-based means loans taken to meet eligible in-school expenses. All federal and need-based loans, however, do qualify. Private loans taken out to cover amounts deemed “student contribution” or “family contribution” do not qualify.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation.
Application Timing: Can apply at anytime within five years of the January after your graduation from SLS.
Eligible Employment: Law related jobs in 501 c(3) or (4) or (5) organizations; government work; political campaign; private employers with at least half time being pro bono work.
Clerkship Support: Clerks who intend to enter LRAP eligible employment afterwards can receive an LRAP loan that is forgiven if they enter LRAP eligible employment immediately afterwards.
Contribution/Support Schedule (how much you have to contribute):
<$75k: None.
$75k-$90k: 25% of salary in this range;
$90k-$105k: $3,750 + 50% of salary in this range;
<105k: $11,250 + 100% of income over $105k
No upper income limit.
Asset Allowances:
Any physical or financial assets over $200,000 are counted as income.
$1,500 x years in public interest employment is deducted from income (to encourage continuance in program).
Spousal Support Calculation: The adjusted gross income used will either be a) the individual income or b) half the joint income, whichever of the two is higher. Spouse educational loan payments are excluded from income calculations.
Dependent Deduction: $8,000 per dependent, no additional childcare deduction.
University of Chicago (IL)
Name: LRAP, Here.
How it works: The Law School will offer an annual loan equal to the amount of the total eligible yearly IDR payments. This loan will be forgiven at the end of the year as long as the graduate completes the required nine months of full-time work and has made the required loan payments, as explained below.
Amortization Basis: LRAP requires participants to place all of their eligible debt into Income Driven Repayment (IDR) plan (10-15% of income). The Law School will offer an annual loan equal to the amount of the total eligible yearly IDR payments, not to exceed the maximum benefit of $15,000.
Eligible Loans: All need based loans taken out for attendance at Chicago only. No bar loans and no undergraduate loans.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation. After 10 years (120 on time payments) of enrollment in IDR, the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program will discharge any remaining federal student loan debt.
Application Timing: Can apply anytime within the 10-year window post-graduation.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity.
Clerkship Support: Clerkships are qualifying employment.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Upper Income Limit: $80,000
Contribution/Support Schedule:
All IDR payments are covered if you make less than $80,000.
Asset Allowances:
None. All that is considered is AGI.
Spousal Support Calculation: None. All that is considered is AGI. Please note IDR does consider spousal income if income taxes are filed jointly and you must be enrolled in IDR to qualify for LRAP.
Dependent Deduction: None. All that is considered is AGI.
Negative Amortization Protection: School offers $10,000 to compensate for negative amortization upon early exit from the program [if there has been more than 5 years in the program].
Columbia Law School (NY)
Name: LRAP, 2023 terms here.
How it works: Financial assistance in the form of loans from the Law School. The amount of the LRAP loans is determined by a) the level of educational indebtedness and b) the adjusted gross income of the Program participant and their spouse (if applicable). Loans from LRAP are not repayable so long as the participant remains in qualifying employment. Under certain circumstances, LRAP loans for participants who remain in qualifying employment may be gradually forgiven.
Loans are forgiven on a sliding scale that requires at least 3 years in qualifying employment. (after 5 years, the loans will be fully forgiven)
Amortization Basis: Borrower can choose straight-am or IDR; straight-am has lower income thresholds than IDR.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes, if IDR/PSLF route is chosen.
Eligible Loans: All need based loans taken out for attendance at Columbia Law only. Includes private loans. Includes up to $10,000 for bar loans.
Program Duration: 10-years from December 31st after student's graduation from CLS.
Application Timing: Can apply up to seven years after graduation.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity. Work in a for-profit entity that is comparable to that done by a non-profit will be considered for LRAP by the law school.
Clerkship Support: Clerks can receive LRAP benefits. Clerks who go on to LRAP-eligible employment have the interest on their loan forgiven and the loan is treated as a regular LRAP loan.
Upper Income Limit: None.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
Straight Am (10-yr)
<$70k: None.
$70k+: 30% over $70k
Can also combine with PSLF but a different process.
Good for combining with PSLF program (after 10 yrs, the remaining debt will be discharged). However, negative amortization risk.
<$110k: None.
$110k+: 30% over $110k
Asset Allowances:
No specific asset allowances are mentioned. If "significant" assets are discovered on tax returns, further information will be required. Undergraduate loan payments are deducted from income determinations for borrower and spouse.
Spousal Support Calculation: the income figure used for calculations will be either the participant’s income or one-half of the calculated joint income, whichever is higher. Spousal student loan payment up to $30k is excluded from income before this choice is made.
Dependent Deduction: an exemption of up to $10,000 for each minor dependent child will be subtracted from the income to determine the adjusted income for a participant.
Negative Amortization Protection: CLS will provide additional support if applicant agrees to make additional payments to IDR in accordance with traditional LRAP guidelines. This should prevent negative amortization, but could result in substantially higher out of pocket costs.
Harvard University (MA)
Name: LIPP, terms here.
How it works: LIPP covers any difference between the graduate’s total eligible law school debt payments due in that year and their expected contribution toward eligible loan payments. LIPP funds are disbursed directly to participants who must then manage their monthly loan payments. Either one-year loans (that are forgiven), or grants, depending on the employment.
Amortization Basis: 10-year straight amortization
Eligible Loans: All need-based loans taken to finance JD degree along with up to $30,000 of need-based undergraduate debt. Includes up to $15,000 for bar loans. Loans taken in pursuit of a dual degree with another HU grad school are also eligible. Loans must be more than 10 years in duration (incl. any payments already made)
Program Duration: As long as the student is paying eligible educational loans.
Application Timing: Can apply at any time you are paying eligible loans and are eligible for LIPP.
Eligible Employment: Any jobs in government, non-profit, academic organizations are eligible along with law related jobs with for-profit organizations. Coverage is also available for individuals during periods of parental leave from a LIPP eligible position.
Clerkship Support: Clerks are eligible to receive LIPP loans at the current rate for HLS loans. This loan is forgiven if you enter LIPP eligible employment immediately after the clerkship and stay as long as you were in the clerkship.
Negative Amortization Risk: No.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<$55k: None.
$55k-$61k: 20% of amount over $55k;
$61k-$133k: $1,200 + 40% of amount over $61,000
$133k and above: $30,000 + 80% of amount over $133,000
Upper Income Limit: None.
Asset Allowances:
$10,000 + $10,000 x (number of years employed after law school) + $10,000 x (number of years employed between college and law school) are shielded as being assessed as assets.
To determine the asset reduction value, the total calculated asset allowance is subtracted from the total amount of assets reported, resulting in an amount of unprotected assets. A declining percentage (from 100% for 0 years out to 0% for 10 years out) is applied to the unprotected amount; the percentage is adjusted once per year on July 1st. This result is then divided by the outstanding loan debt amount, resulting in a percentage. The LIPP subsidy is reduced by that percentage.
Asset protection is doubled if married since the spouse’s assets are also considered.
Spousal Support Calculation: If spouse makes less, then their income is totally excluded. If spouse makes more, then their income is added to the student’s income and divided by two. Spousal student loan payments are excluded from income.
Dependent Deduction: $8,000 per child plus expenses for child care up to $20,000.
University of Pennsylvania (PA)
Name: TolLRAP II
How it works: The graduate will receive TolLRAP assistance for the full payment of his/her federal loans in an eligible Income Drive Repayment Plan (IDR). If the graduate’s debt level is too low to qualify for an eligible income driven repayment plan, the graduate can receive the lesser of 50% of the IDR and the TolLRAP PLUS calculated payment or 50% of the actual loan payment submitted for evaluation.
Once there has been 3 years of participation in TolLRAP II, participants will become “vested” in TolLRAP Plus, which provides support for continuation in the program. TolLRAP Plus amounts are an addition to the TolLRAP II IDR-based Awards (see the program terms - annual benefit capping at $5400 of additional funding)
Amortization Basis: IDR is not required, but repayment assistance is calculated based on IDR.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes. TolLRAP Plus provides a potential for an additional $24,300 to counter negative am.
Eligible Loans: All federal loans (including undergrad and other graduate) tare eligible for a qualifying income driven repayment plan such as Income Based Repayment(IBR), Pay As You Earn(PAYE), or Revised Pay As You Earn(REPAYE) are eligible. Federal Loans ineligible for one of the above income driven repayment plans, may also receive limited assistance as described in our Assistance Calculation section. Bar loans (up to $10K) can possibly be included.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation. Extensions are available up to 2 years. Must participate at least 3 years to "vest" in the program.
Application Timing: Can apply anytime within the 10-year window post-graduation.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity. For-profit firm work could qualify if 51% of work done by the organization is free or significantly reduced in cost. Clinical law teaching also qualifies.
Clerkship Support: Clerking is not eligible for assistance, but counts towards vesting in TollRAP Plus.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
$110k and below: None. The amount Penn will give you depends on your calculated IDR payment.
Upper Income Limit: $110,000; participants with incomes between $93k and $110k can accrue time towards TolLRAP Plus.
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation:
Graduates will receive assistance from TolLRAP II based on their portion of the IDR payment if filing jointly (not based on the joint income). TolLRAP II awards will be calculated using the income documented in the Employment Verification Form. This could result in a payment from TolLRAP which is less than your required monthly IDR payment as required by the government (which will be calculated according to your joint income).
Dependent Deduction: None.
New York University (NY)
Name: LRAP
How it works: Loans are made annually by the Program (“LRAP Loans”) to participants to assist them with repayment of their law school loans. Loans may be forgiven once participants accrue 36 months of eligibility in the Program. At the end of the year during which a participant reaches 36 months of eligibility, all outstanding LRAP Loans made by the Program will be forgiven, and LRAP Loans made in subsequent years to such participants will be forgiven annually.
Amortization Basis: IDR is required if eligible for PSLF (Integrated). If not eligible for PSLF, must opt into non-integrated plan (10-year straight line)
Eligible Loans: All need-based loans taken out of cost of attendance at NYU Law only. Bar loans up to $10k can possibly be included.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation. Eligibility can be extended in certain cases for up to 24 months. Must participate at least 3 years in program to have loans forgiven.
Application Timing: Can apply anytime within 5 years of graduation.
Eligible Employment: (a) federal, state, and local governmental units (“governmental unit”), or (b) domestic section 501(c)(3) and other not-for-profit organizations, or (c) international non-governmental organizations under the direction of a governmental unit or a section 501 (c)(3). Must “involve law.”
Clerkship Support: Clerks can receive LRAP benefits. Clerks who go on to LRAP-eligible employment have the interest on their loan forgiven and the loan is treated as a regular LRAP loan.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes in integrated plan, no in non-integrated plan.
Participant Contribution/Support Schedule:
Integrated: (IDR)
<$80k: None;
$80k+: 40% of income above $80k
<Base Qualifying Income [based on class year]: None;
More than Base Qualifying Income but less than that +30K: 40% of the participant’s Qualifying Income between the Base and $30,000 in excess of the Base
Upper Income Limit: $500,000 [integrated] or Base Qualifying Income + 30K [non-integrated]
Asset Allowances:
Participants must have total net worth (assets minus liabilities) of less than $100,000. 50% of the combined net worth of the participant and his/her spouse/partner will be considered to be the net worth of the participant.
All assets and all liabilities are considered in this calculation, so student loan balances are considered to offset assets.
Spousal Support Calculation: If spouse makes less, then their income is totally excluded. If spouse makes more, then their income is added to the students income and divided by two.
Dependent Deduction: None.
Negative Amortization Protection: School offers one-time payment to reset debt levels to where they would be if student were in non-integrated LRAP program.
University of Virginia (VA)
Name: “Virginia Loan Forgiveness Program”. Terms here.
How it works: Participants in the program who earn less than $65,000 annually receive benefits covering 100 percent of their qualifying law school loans. In short, these participants pay nothing out of pocket toward loan repayment while in VLFP II. Those earning between $65,000 and $85,000 receive benefits prorated based on income. The calculation of the VLFP II benefit is based on the participant’s actual annual law school loan payments under IBR or PAYE and his or her program adjusted income (PAI) for the program year. VLFP II provides program participants with funds in the form of a forgivable loan from the Law School Foundation.
Amortization Basis: Graduates must enroll in IBR or PAYE in order to receive VLFP II benefits.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: None.
Eligible Loans: All need-based loans taken out of cost of attendance at UVA Law only.
Program Duration: 10 years post-program entry.
Application Timing: Must apply within two years of graduation or within two years of completing a judicial clerkship started directly after graduation. You must apply for benefits immediately after starting qualifying employment.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity. If practicing in Virginia and making less than $85K (even in private practice), may be eligible for support for their loans as well.
Clerkship Support: Only career clerkship positions are eligible. A clerkship extends the timeline in which you can apply for support.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<$65,000: None;
$65k-$85k: Contribution based on a sliding scale.
Upper Income Limit: $85000
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: If spouse makes less, then their income is totally excluded. If spouse makes more, then their income is added to the student’s income and divided by two. Spousal student loan payments are excluded from income.
Dependent Deduction: None.
Berkeley (CA)
Name: LRAP, Terms here.
How it works: Berkeley will give payments to cover your IBR amount, subject to the conditions below. If you are eligible for LRAP support, you will receive funding directly from Berkeley Law in the form of a forgivable loan for the length of the LRAP contract.
Amortization Basis: IBR, PAYE. If you cannot qualify for these because of the lack of financial hardship, can get support for 10-yr standard repayment plan up to the monthly Standard 10-year repayment plan amount or $1,000 a month, whichever is less.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: None.
Eligible Loans: All federal direct loans that can be repaid using qualifying income-driven repayment plan. The income-driven plans that qualify for LRAP are Income-Based Repayment (“IBR”) and Pay As You Earn (“PAYE”). On a case-by-case basis, participants may be approved to receive LRAP support while enrolled in the Revised Pay As You Earn (“REPAYE”) plan. Berkeley will set a cap at the student budget for 3-years of attendance at Berkeley Law.
Program Duration: 10 years post-graduation.
Application Timing: Must apply within 3.5 years of graduation.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity. Positions with international NGOs or foreign governments meeting the above requirements can qualify for LRAP coverage, but do not typically qualify for PSLF. Graduates from the classes of 2010 onward can receive LRAP support by working for a union, plaintiffs’-side firm, or rural private practice, but these positions do not qualify for PSLF.
Clerkship Support: Judicial clerkships of less than two years qualify only if the graduate intends to pursue public service employment immediately (within three months) following the clerkship.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<$80k: None.
$80k-$120k: 25% of amount above $80k.
If your imputed contribution is higher than your monthly loan payment, you are not eligible for LRAP support unless and until your imputed contribution decreases or your monthly loan payment increases after your annual income recertification.
Upper Income Limit: $120,000
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: If spouse makes less, then their income is totally excluded. If spouse makes more, then their income is added to the student’s income and divided by two.
LRAP can provide full support only to participants who are single or who are married and file taxes separately. If a married participant files taxes jointly, sometimes the participant may receive an inflated monthly payment amount much higher than expected given the participant’s sole income. In that case, LRAP may not provide full support covering the entire monthly payment amount, but instead will cover only a portion of the monthly payment.
Dependent Deduction: $6,000 for first child, $4,000 for additional children.
University of Michigan (MI)
Name: Income-Based Debt Management, here
How it works: Graduates whose combination of income and debt make them eligible receive assistance in meeting their loan obligations incurred during law school. Our LRAP links our benefit calculations to the federal pay scale, in particular, the General Schedule GS-11 rate at which entry-level federal government attorneys are hired ($55,756 in 2021). For graduates whose incomes are at that rate or lower, we will provide an annual payment equivalent to the entire annual IDR payment. Each year you are in the program you receive an interest-free loan from the Law School. If you remain in your same eligible job for that year, the loan is forgiven at the end of the calendar year.
Amortization Basis: In order to participate in our program, our graduates must first enroll in one of the U.S. Department of Education's Income-Driven Repayment plans (IDR). The IDR plans (which cap your payment at 10-15% of your income) require a certain level of annual payment depending on income and, if you work for 10 years in a public interest or public sector job (or 20-25 years in the private sector), the federal government will forgive your outstanding loans entirely. You must then apply to our LRAP program each year to receive benefits in the following calendar year.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: Yes. Michigan places unpaid accrued interest funds in a reserve account that vests after two years (this will happen for people who earn up to 150% of GS-11). Upon an early exit from LRAP, a vested graduate can draw down this reserve to reset their loans' unpaid interest.
Eligible Loans: All federal direct loans taken out of cost of attendance at Michigan Law only.
Program Duration: 10 total years of participation. Consecutive years of participation not required.
Application Timing: Must apply within five years post-graduation.
Eligible Employment: Law related work. Does not need to be in a non-profit or governmental entity.
Clerkship Support: Clerkships do not qualify.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<GS-11 salary ($55k): None.
In between this and upper income limit: will receive a stipend from Michigan on a sliding scale.
Upper Income Limit: 175% of GS-11 salary scale figure. Currently ~$97,000.
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: None.
Note: it seems that married couples filing jointly will have their IDR payments determined by the joint salary. Unclear how Michigan addresses this in its payments.
Dependent Deduction: None.
Duke University (NC)
Name: LRAP, Policies here.
How it works: Under LRAP, the Law School will make loans to qualifying graduates to assist them with their federal law school loan repayments. If the graduate remains eligible throughout the year, the loans are fully forgivable at the end of the year in which they are made.
Amortization Basis: Assistance is based on IDR calculations, but IDR is not required. You can choose the repayment plan that best suits you; however, we calculate LRAP awards using the lower of two numbers: The calculated IDR amount, or your actual payment amount.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: None.
Eligible Loans: Must have incurred at least $20k in Federal loans for financing a Duke Law education.
Program Duration: 10-years post graduation (seems consecutive, other than approved leave like parental leave).
Application Timing: Can apply at anytime within 10-year post graduation window.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity.
Clerkship Support: Clerkships do not qualify, but you can add up to 3 years of clerkship to your 10-yr period of LRAP eligibility.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<$65k: None
$95k+: Support is inversely proportional to amount above $65k with $90k upper limit (partial coverage of the IDR payment)
Upper Income Limit: $90,000
Asset Allowances: A percentage is deducted for assets in excess of $50,000.
Spousal Support Calculation: If spouse makes less, then their income is totally excluded. If spouse makes more, then their income is added to the students income and divided by two.
Dependent Deduction: $5,000 per child.
Northwestern University (IL)
Name: LRAP, Info here.
How it works: Awards will be issued in the form of one-year forgivable loans. Sliding scale for support based on amount of debt and AGI.
Amortization Basis: The LRAP formula is based on IDR and also includes an amount for unpaid interest. LRAP aligns with PSLF by providing funding for qualified graduates for up to ten years
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: Yes. Some unpaid interest protection is built into support schedule based on income and debt load.
Eligible Loans: All need-based loans taken out of cost of attendance at Northwestern Law only
Program Duration: 10-years post graduation.
Application Timing: Can apply at anytime within 10-year post graduation window, but cannot have any employment other than a clerkship or as a manager in a governmental or non-profit entity between your graduation and LRAP application.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity.
Clerkship Support: Clerkships do not qualify.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
<$45k: None.
$45k-$55k: 25% of IDR
$55k-$65k: 50% of IDR
$65k-$75k: 75% of IDR
$75k: 100% of IDR. Will get 50% for unpaid interest.
See the program terms for a full matrix of support depending on debt and income.
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: Married applicants are treated as having the higher of either (a) his or her individual income or (b) half of the joint income.
Dependent Deduction: $5,000 per child + $5,000 for spouse; undergraduate loan payments are deducted as well.
Cornell University (NY)
How it works: Awards are based upon monthly loan payments at the time of the application submission. Your award will be made in the form of a loan disbursed in two equal installments in January and July. The loan is then forgiven at the end of the calendar year.
Amortization Basis: Assistance is based on IBR/PAYE calculations, but IDR is not required. If you choose not to enroll in IBR or PAYE, you will be responsible, out of pocket, for the difference between your monthly payment plan and the calculated IBR or PAYE monthly payment amount.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Eligible Loans: All federal student loans are eligible. $10,000 in Bar Loans are also eligible.
Program Duration: 10 total years of participation. Consecutive years of participation not required.
Application Timing: Can apply any time as long as 10 years of eligibility have not been exhausted.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit, governmental entity, labor unions, or public interest law firms. Note the definition of eligible employment under PILIPP II is more inclusive than the definition of eligible employment for purposes of federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness.
Clerkship Support: A graduate will qualify on a deferred basis if she engages in a one-year post-graduate judicial clerkship, and subsequently engages in qualifying employment, meeting all requirements for PILIPP II eligibility.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
All IDR payments are covered if you make less than $80,000.
Upper Income Limit: $80,000. Only the participant’s income as reported by their employer is counted as income.
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: Spousal income is not considered for the income cap as it relates to PILIPP II eligibility. However, spousal income is typically considered by your federal loan servicer when calculating your IBR or PAYE payments.
Dependent Deduction: None.
Negative Amortization Protection: None.
Georgetown University (DC)
Name: LRAP III, Here
How it works: Georgetown Law reimburses out-of-pocket repayments for its graduates in eligible public service, effectively ending loan repayments for those who spend 10 years working in modestly paid public interest fields.
Eligible Loans: All Federal direct student loans and $100/month for Bar Loans.
Amortization Basis: IDR is required (IBR, PAYE, REPAYE). If you qualify for PAYE, the support amount will be calculated according to that standard.
Negative Amortization Risk: Yes.
Negative Amortization Protection: None.
Program Duration: 10-years post graduation.
Application Timing: Must apply within 2 years of graduation. Otherwise, the committee will require supporting documentation and make awards on a funds-available basis.
Eligible Employment: Law related work in a non-profit or governmental entity.
Clerkship Support: Clerkships do not qualify. If you have a one year clerkship you will have a three year window to enter the program, or if you have a two year clerkship you have up to four years to enter the program.
Contribution/Support Schedule:
All IDR payments are covered if you make less than $75,000. Beyond $75,000 support is provided on a sliding scale/diminishing basis. Does not appear to be a hard income limit, just the limit of 75K for getting your loans fully covered.
Asset Allowances: None.
Spousal Support Calculation: None, but separate filing of taxes is strongly encouraged to keep IDR payment in line with LRAP support. If you decide to file your federal taxes jointly and your spouse has an income, we will use your income only and the household size to calculate your PAYE or IBR payment and LRAP III award.
If you have a spouse and/or dependents, the amount of income you can earn to receive 100% LRAP coverage is $75,000 + 150% of the HHS Poverty amount for each additional person (current amount for 2022 is $4,720).
Dependent Deduction: See above.
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