News and tips about the LSAT and law school admissions

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Looking for the July 3 blog? Click here. With last week’s heat wave finally breaking over the eastern half of the United States, law school AdComms are spending the week […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible Wrong answer journals are the vegetables of LSAT prep. They may not be your favorite, but they’re necessary for your growth. Join Bailey, Alex, […]

If you’re like many law school applicants, thinking about your GPA might cause you some stress. You can go fully monastic studying for the LSAT, refine countless drafts of your […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible To take or not to take? That is the question! It’s the eve of the LSAT and you’re starting to get cold feet – […]

With Memorial Day in the past and with the conclusion of their children’s academic year hurtling towards them at light speed, law school admissions officers find themselves straddling the line […]

As you probably know, the LSAT is changing.  Starting in August 2024, the test will no longer include a Logic Games section. It will now feature three scored sections: two […]

Subscribe to the podcast:Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Google Podcasts | Audible It’s a great time of year to start your personal statement … but how do you get rolling? Jonathan Gharraie, 7Sage writing consultant extraordinaire, joins […]