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Low/Mid 160s vs Cancel for T14

DanDanDan-1DanDanDan-1 Core Member
edited June 2018 in General 8 karma

I started studying for the LSAT in early March and just recently took the international June LSAT. In the weeks leading up to the test, I consistently PTed around 168-171 (worst at 167, best at 176). During the real test, however, I panicked on the reading section and ended up completely guessing about 8 questions. Reading is already my worst section, so, if I take into consideration my usual scores in each section, I think I would get around 162-165 for this exam.

If I am considering only the T14 schools, would it be better for me to cancel this score and attempt 170+ on the next exam or just accept a low/mid-160s score and then attempt a 170+?

It's an undisclosed test, so I really wouldn't learn anything new about my performance by keeping the score. Canceling, on the other hand, already seems like an admission of failure. I'm not sure what the law schools would think. What do you guys think?


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    edited June 2018 3107 karma

    It won't matter. I had a 161 on my first take and 174 on my subsequent take. I'm attending Harvard this fall and was admitted to every T14 (plus money) except Stanford (WL) and Yale. I only wrote an addendum to UChicago since they explicitly asked for one, and I kept it to three sentences.

    Unless you think your score is sub 150 or something (which you don't), I don't think it's ever wise to cancel. Plus, you just never know...I had a tutoring client think he scored in the 150s but he ended up with a 170. The exam is a sunk cost at this point, so you may as well see what your score was.

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    @"Accounts Playable" would you mind speaking a little bit on how you had such a big jump in score. The differences in studying And did you expect this big of a jump (meaning also you maybe under performed with a161, so the jump might not seem as big to you as to someone else)?

  • Jane1990Jane1990 Alum Member
    197 karma

    Here is the link to "Ask Me Anything with AccountsPlayable":

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    It doesn't matter. The only good reason to cancel would be if you think you might lose your mind and apply with your likely low 160's score when you could get one in the 170's. The good reason to not cancel is the unlikely chance you randomly guessed really well.

    Other than that they are going to know you took it either way and they probably won't really care about anything but the highest score either way.

  • pasu1223pasu1223 Alum Member
    109 karma

    Damn, I wish I would've seen @"Accounts Playable" before I cancelled my Dec score. I know I did better this time around though.

    Great advice Accounts!

  • BroccoliBroccoli Core Member
    352 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" I thought you had to write an explanation if your scores are 15 points different from your previous one...

  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    4428 karma

    @Broccoli180 said:
    @"Seeking Perfection" I thought you had to write an explanation if your scores are 15 points different from your previous one...

    Some schools ask for one. I asked all the schools I applied to whether to write one or not and just followed their advice. I only had an 8 point difference though.

    The explanation just is a couple sentence excuse for them to do what they are incentivized to do and look at the highest score.

  • JustDoItJustDoIt Alum Member
    3112 karma

    @"Seeking Perfection" said:
    Some schools ask for one. I asked all the schools I applied to whether to write one or not and just followed their advice. I only had an 8 point difference though.

    I was in a similar situation. I wrote one for all schools and I had a 9 point increase.

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