Thank You 7Sage! 156-164-171

jseigel94jseigel94 Member
in General 30 karma

To those who are still working through things right now, let me just say, 7sage is worth it. I started studying on my own (without 7sage, just using the free Khan Academy program) in May. I took the July test and went from a 156 cold to a 164, but I'm interested in T10 schools. I did 7sage and made it through the whole core curriculum from August-September, including 20+ PT's. I got a 171 on the October test. This program really works. I was a bit all over the place on my PT's - with a few 178's and a few low 170's, as well as a few 168-9's. Don't be discouraged, just keep working at it.

I also have to say the Admissions info is super helpful - I only did the free course, but it's definitely worth a look!


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