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any inkling as to how more or less competitive next cycle will be?

glauconnglauconn Member
edited February 2021 in Law School Admissions 30 karma

I have heard murmurs and speculation that the next cycle might be even more competitive. Any thoughts on this matter?


  • jpelberfeldjpelberfeld Alum Member
    87 karma

    Just in regards to LSAT scores/medians? I would probably agree. The pandemic has allowed me (and I'm sure many others) to focus on the LSAT much more and see score improvement more quickly. Only time will tell though.

  • karko2525karko2525 Member
    620 karma

    ^agreed and I've heard that the next cycle will probably be around the same or more competitive. Some people are sitting out this cycle due to not having everything in on time and ready to go so people are speculating that this group is preparing for the next cycle as we speak. Like the commenter above, if this pandemic continues (seems likely), people will have more time to stay home and focus solely on the LSAT and applications. As such, softs will probably be a much bigger part of the application for this cycle and the next since there are so many high scores already...Overall, I think the best we can all do is put our best foot forward and hope that it lands us somewhere.

    Also, casting a wider net of safeties and targets may be a wise decision if you're applying next cycle and the conditions are similar to what they are now

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