@"Gee-dawg" said:
@"Freddie Mercurys Mustache" when you did 3on 1 off, what was your daily schedule on study days?
Well, I work full time and have a wife and kid so it's not typical in any sense. I'd put in my 8 hours at work, have dinner wi…
I gave myself a week to relax, decompress, and just regain composure. I was pretty confident that I bombed my first LSAT (I was right) so I knew that I needed to regroup and recenter before even thinking about putting in more hours.
I think you nee…
You have to consider how this will increase your risk for LSAT burnout. If every waking moment of your time is spent thinking about/doing LSAT stuff, you're going to burnout and need to take a substantial amount of time off to recover (at least that…
Don't beat yourself up. I took my first LSAT and got a 144. I applied to a few law school and got rejected from them all which, looking back, was probably the best thing that could have happened to me.
I was/am in a bit of a rush. I am 28 with a wi…
@monaalsaidi said:
@"Freddie Mercurys Mustache" I could have sworn it was 3 booths, 6 people. now i'm paranoid i made up a whole person
You're right! It was 6 lol
@jnucci23 said:
Are we certain that the 1st LG section was experimental in the RC-LR-LG-LG-LR format?
That seems to be census which is unfortunate because I felt really really strong about the first.
@JK_fish92 said:
LG: employees/booths, opening performances with artists, department store sales, forgot the other
LR: I had 3, 26 q w dolphins, 25 and 25.
RC: opera,plate techtonics
Games and RC destroyed me. I’ve been -0~-3 in g…
@Giselle112 said:
I had RC, LR, LG, LG, LR
Real RC:
1) 14th Amendment-Supreme Court Case
2) Archaeological Findings? (domesticated horses maybe)
3) Comparative: Music (operas)
4) Seismic Activity
Real LR:
@akriegler said:
Which LG was real in this order?
I believe I can answer this if you remember something. Did the first section contain a 5ppl 3 booths? Or > @jnucci23 said:
@akriegler said:
Which LG was r…
@mgraha11 said:
@"Freddie Mercurys Mustache" said:
@jnucci23 said:
I know that I did very bad on one LG and good on the other. i think I did very bad on the real one if the 5 people with 7 shifts was real.
@jnucci23 said:
I know that I did very bad on one LG and good on the other. i think I did very bad on the real one if the 5 people with 7 shifts was real.
I honestly don't even remember having a question about 5 people and 7 shifts so I'm pr…
You and I are in the same boat with working and rough score goals. Honestly, if you are PTing consistently in that range, there are things that you can likely improve on by analyzing questions thoroughly in blind review. I took (2) PTs yesterday and…
Wait. It sucks but it's going to be more worth your time and money to postpone and wait. Increase the LSAT and have a better chance at any possible scholarships. Not to mention a decent increase will hopefully place you in a school with a successful…
@LSATStudent780 said:
@"Freddie Mercurys Mustache" Thank you so much for your insight! I agree that it is important to have a higher ranking in law school, which may be more difficult with the students in T14. Do you think if someone was to …
Word! I'm about to be 28! Got outta high school, did some time the in Marines and just graduated undergrad last year. I think people like us are like the finely aged steaks that site behind glass at the butchers. Sure, you can have the rump cuts on …
It depends on where/how you want to practice. If you want to practice in big time law and work for some 500+ lawyer law firm, then yes you might want to go balls to the wall and nail a well ranked school. If you are not interesting in doing big law …
Same boat, friend!
I too have a full-time job and also have an 8 month old. There is nothing that I want to do more than to get off work, spend time with the family, and veg out. One thing that I keep reminding myself of is that consistency of any …
@teamteamvicster said:
Hi! Boy that comment looks funky. There are all kinds of scroll bars going on. I went through the core curriculum and did the problem sets included at the end of the lessons. Once finished with the CC, I PT'd, found area…
I'm going to go a bit outside the box and say that happiness has to be factor in your choice.
Pros to McG: Full ride
Cons to McG: Not ranked (some would argue this isn't a massive issue depending on market of employment) and you weren't in love wi…