Please remember that an LSAT score doesn't in itself say anything about a person's intelligence. Then maybe get a consult with a tutor and see what they recommend. A lot of people have gotten offers from other factors that offset the LSAT score. …
Take more breaks and days off. Attend to your other responsibilities. But work towards a schedule, although keep it flexible or else burnout is likely. And don't rush to a live test date. You can definitely improve. Don't give up.
Speaking of the answer keys, sometimes I've accidentally scrolled over the icon that covers the correct answer choices and wish there was a way to completely hide them so we don't do that by mistake. I don't know if it can be done, though.
If they get caught, they may not be able to go to law school, or if they do, they risk being kicked out, or if they don't get kicked out, they risk trouble with the bar, and if they don't get into trouble with the bar, they might have an issue with …
Wondering if you already got your CAS. Sometimes the CAS more or less matches what you think but other times it's a bit different, or sometimes really different. In any case, don't lose hope.
I'm right there with you. There's a quote that doubt is worse than failure, but I totally get the PT anxiety issue. I'll think about this and post later.
I'd ask about whether they have ethernet and put a sign on the door, maybe in English and a couple other languages, along with using the "do not disturb" sign. Also, communicate with the reservation coordinator beforehand to express your concerns a…