During the test, how do we know how much time we have left? Is there a giant digital clock that has a timer, or is it a regular clock, or do the proctors just give 10 20 5 minute warnings?
I'm taking the test next June. The last 10 Actual packet ended at PT 71. This means that the next packet will be 72-81, with PT 81 being the February 2016 test. Will LSAC release 72-81 in a new 10 Actual packet before June 2016? Thanks.
The number of test takers that receive accommodations of time and a half per section is growing from what I can tell, has there been any thought from 7sage on making a four section test proctor that has 53 minute sections?
... were down the hall, 1 minute walk for slowpokes, 25 ... figure out. Walked probably 10 feet from my car to ... have bubbled in at least 10 by the time she ... if we wanted a 10 or 15 minute break before the ... break started. I wanted 10 but ...
Desks: Very ... use. I probably had about 10 yards of desk space all ... was adequate parking about 5-10 minutes walk from the test ... takes, they forgot the five minute warning once. It happens: They ...
... even further at the 5 minute warning, where he ran into ... . This continued for about a minute, at which point the proctor ... paused. It then took another 10 mins or so to ensure ...
... so badly that I left 10 questions blank and scored a ... . I was able to gain 10 points in December for an ... least guessed around the 32 minute mark and working on the ... early logic games (PT 1-10 have some weird ones) to ...