I definitely found the RC sections harder in the newer exams, specifically 52+.
As mentioned above, the LG sections in the 70s+ seem to have 2 easy games, one medium and then a game from hell.... Which has lowered my score on the recent PTs.
... X? addenda were nearly 2 pages. I think if you ... margin. If you're 2 pages single spaced or with ... keep those things in mind, 2 pages is fine. If ... keep those standards for a page and little more...then ... and ask if submitting a 2page DS is appropriate. They' ...
... getting 23/23 on logic games, then you can easily see ... doing the fool proof logic games method in conjunction with the ... type, doing anywhere from 2-5 games of that specific type, referring ... getting to 3 - 3.5 games on PTs to getting to ...
I'm thinking about taking 1 PT per week with 5 sections. My reason being that I want to include an extra LG section from the LG bundle. Therefore, I think it will help in me in getting close to -0 or -2 in games.
its a school to school thing... when I was applying I had a 2page template and then an expanded version for some schools... have a basic two page template that you can edit - and tailor it to the institution you are applying to imo.
I've only done A so far and I thought it was difficult and a time suck. I'm usually 0 to -2 on games as well. I've heard B and C are difficult too--so definitely games I need to drill!
... paragraphs, other schools have a 2page limit, other schools request 1 ... page max. I would say draft ... out and write a 1 page statement. Maybe adjust it according ...
... will usually be 1-2 easy games in a section with a ... is practice. A lot of games (preferably all), and a lot ... more complex aspects of the games. It's like playing an ...
Please excuse my ignorance but could you explain what you mean by "experimental logic games"? Were there 2 logic games sections? I'm new to this test...
... tests formatted in the current 2page format and sadly it is ... on the one page - or - now that it is 2 pages, some ... their diagramming on the 2nd page because the 1st question tends ...