@nicole.hopkins True, but I would still hold that there is some correlation between score jumps. i.e. if someone took 5 weeks to get from 150 to 155, they can't possibly expect to be in the 160's in 2weeks. (Hypothetical)
@Student76 - that's great to hear! I've got 10 weeksleft, and going to make the most out of it. Hoping I am still scoring about my PT average as I work in these newer PTs.
... of the 70s for the weeks leading up to the test ... test for the last 2weeks. During the last 2weeks, you're unlikely ... adjusting anything in the last 2weeks. Ideally, you'll only be ... worrisome/demoralizing) in the last weeks before the test? You should ...
33 starting in 2weeks but looks like my class is mostly 22-25. @Ooglymoogs map shows you are right across the street from me, I just took the June lsat, let me know if I can help.
... people can do it in 2weeks, and some people still can ... 't do it after 2 years. Around 50,000 people ... a 175+ and less than 2,500 get a 170+. The ...