... you're struggling with level 4 and 5 weaken questions, this might ... author's assumption is wrong, or the author's conclusion is ... author's conclusion is false *or* that their assumption is false ...
... interpret rules 3 and 4 of this LG? (PT B, S2, G2 ... not in, then either L or O, but not both ... br />
Not Y --> L or O
... br />
Not F or Not S --> L or O
< ... kind of bi-conditional lesson, or something. Did he just "negate ...
... fundamentals seemed to fall apart or mind goes blank, and this ... on drilling with old LR sections (pt 1~35) doing untimed, and ... , is BR still necessary or recommended? Or should I do the drilling ... my head: trying Blueprint, tutoring or quitting. I am not sure ...
... of difficulty (whether its 1 or5) I will usually miss like ... -3 questions on like 6 or 7 passages, but when I ... willing to share any tips or tricks they use for RC ... my RC to around a -4. If you're struggling with ...
... drill, timed practice test, or timed sections. Does anyone have an example ... like read the stimulus carefully or understand stimulus completely before getting ...
... --everyone has the 4 same sections and different experimental sections but is the ... order of the scored sections the same for everyone? not ... labeled section 1,2,3,4- or are these just arbitrary?
... write the letters and arrow, or immediately after, very briefly ... conclusions supporting the central argument) or the Very Important Points ( ... and it takes me 4 to 5 minutes to read the ... attributable to rushing, laziness or guesswork when I was uncertain ...
... make time for ALL the sections, and to make sure you ... drill RC one day, or do a PT, etc, just make sure ... , just by not overanalyzing, worrying, or hyping up how difficult the ...
... />
NOT ... must be false or CANNOT be true. 4. Could be ... THEORY Lesson 5 of 14
3). And = and 4). or = or 5). ←→ = biconditional
6). A ...
... don't zoom through them or treat them like some undergrad ... or -3s won't be so difficult after about 4 to 5 months ... information (which can be weird or boring) to memory. You only ... to remember it for about 4 minutes, but that can be ...
do a mix... say about 4 - 8 odd PTs with 5sections ( I would personally err on the side of 4) it helped me peak near exam day. But this is just my personal experience... with no statistical correlation what so ever.
NA________STRENGTHEN_____________________PSA_________SA ... NECESSARY ASSUMPTIONS QUESTIONS Lesson 5 of 23
... rings a year, or .5 rings a year. Or whatever. As ... also say trees grow 4 rings a year, which ...
no... 4 to 5 months would be on the ... will know if you are or are not, do NOT give ... eradicate them lesson by lesson... or question type by question type ...
3. D 4. C 5. C — I know everyone ... that would change the rule. Or am I missing something ?? Are ... just swapping J for C? or does J become a floater ... -away of an experimental section ... OR WILL IT? #terror