... approved for extra time and a few other things it ... similar accommodations and want to know whattoexpect on that day. Thank ... in between sections in addition to extra time? Can someone ... breaks, that a different accommodation that would have to be requested
... approved for extra time and a few other things it said ... I had to take the test remotely. When ... per section, which would amount to 4 hours and 40 minutes ... with similar accommodations and want to know whattoexpect on that day. Thank ...
... happening, I can remind myself to stay on task - I can ... desire to daydream asa signal for a mental break - so take a few seconds to ... myself daydreaming, look ahead a few pages to remind myself that I ... probably harder, so more incentive to move my ass and stay ...
Does anyone have a LOCI that they've used and wouldn't mind PMing me to see asa sample? I am currently in the process of constructing one for a school I am still waiting to hear from...any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
... me to see the tasks I am working on, as well as how ... stayed productive in a day. Please feel free to suggest any apps ... a time is the best way to go because its hard to change asa ... example, I wanted to make it a habit to read an article from ...
... I'd post this asa discussion rather than a comment on the ... /. This translates to english as "a person is guilty of a crime if they ... /----> N/. This translates to english as "if leprechauns are nibbling, I ...
Does anyone know what the deal is for seating at CUNY Law? I've heard from some they were in smaller rooms with spacious desks while others were in large lecture halls with the tiny pull out desks-- not sure whattoexpect. Appreciate the input!! :)
... -3 to -6. Asa result, I'm trying to get as close to perfect ... on logical reasoning as ... possible. I'm at a ... I usually come down toa right and wrong answer ...
... petitioned them to give me a room in the dormitory to use asa gym ... , after many long arguments, they agreed to give me a ... small room as long as the school would ...
I wanted to share tis video with everyone. A friend of mine sent it to me asa joke, but I quickly thought of RC. Hope you are able to see the video and get a quick laugh.
... in any particular format; addressed to each school, LSAC? How long ... understand you should not fill a paper with empty words, but ... put "in reference to: my name", "asked to serve asa reference," etc.
... had a question about writing an addendum in regards to ... your lsat score.
if you have a ... median for the school to which you are applying ... applying to it asa reach school) is it acceptable to write ... are just making up a reason for not meeting ...
... case for P/T programs as well? I get that ... it much easier for a student to study for the LSAT ... harder for me to be able to study asa mother toa toddler. I ... am a part-time ... studying/waiting for schools to respond!
... about a week and a half. Is 150 theoretically going to be ... ceiling? I'm hoping to score 155 or better ... definitely lacked the drive to study asa result. I haven't ... touched LSAT material in over a ... any tips I'd love to hear them.
Are looking to add two members to our study group.
Our goal is to reach +170 scores for the ... been varied from 160 to 167. I have taken ... their difficulty in order to prepare myself for the ... or two every weekend to meet asa group and go over ...
... - one directly related to law asa research assistant and one asa contact tracer ... community (something I want to continue to do after I receive my ... sure how that would look to admissions. Thank you!
... scoring 149 and hoping to reach 165 by December. ... track. Anyone here interested to study together with the ...
I am happy to coordinate it whether it's ... or any other way to form the study group. ... and how you would like to study asa group?
... this question, I am able to see why the right answer ... sense" which appears to me asa way for him to undermine the administration ... 's study (which I considered as his ...
... , because if I try to write a one sentence summary or comment ... understanding the author's point asa whole. Currently, I don't ... about how things relate to each other as I go, keeping it ... 2 months prior. Need to get to 175 asa floor. RC consistently holding ...