
Word Docs Hits
a 135.7K 434.5K
new 9.7K 12.3K
museum 79 117
will 42.6K 65.2K
have 76.2K 134.8K
exactly 4.6K 5K
six 672 753
floors 99 121
the 163.8K 765.9K
first 22.4K 29.8K
floor 239 290
to 152.3K 561.2K
sixth 43 46
each 13.3K 17.7K
feature 769 930
different 11.2K 13.7K
one 38.6K 56.3K
of 106.3K 278.3K
exhibits 14 18
inventions 16 16
paintings 116 209
quilts 8 8
sculptures 19 22
toys 27 32
and 132.9K 407.9K
woodworking 27 71

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