... and I have just finished PT 1-20. My scores are ... 170. I’ve heard that PT 50 + are considerably harder, and ... PT 80+ are even more challenging. ... ask how your scores in PT 1-20 compare to those ...
I want to really hone in on RC this week by taking a few full length sections. I've been performing well for my abilities lately and I want to make sure it's not a fluke (aka I happened to take PT's with easier RC sections). Thanks!!
Is there any way to retake a PT on 7sage's digital platform without deleting the previous test? I'm running out of material and want to revisit my oldest PT's without losing the analytics. Thank you
... short of looking into every PT, I don't know how ... -of want to compile the data into a spreadsheet - I think ... /or to know which specific PT LG sections I MUST do ...
I've recently seen quite a few people saying PT's from the 30's, 40's, and 50's are relatively easier than the newer tests. Should I skip those and only PT newer ones?
Anyone else find PT 80 difficult? I know it probably has to do with my test conditions when I took it but oh boy I was averaging 169 these past few tests and dropped to 160 on PT 80 oh boy....tips or words of encouragement?