... . I fear that stamina and consistency are my issue more than ... there any tips on increasing consistency/accuracy? (especially RC which is the ...
... ' sage advice on timing and accuracy. Recently, I've been doing ... yesterday, and I found my accuracy has improved. However, I'm ... timing while ensuring that my accuracy doesn't increase? At this ...
Anyone have any tips on how to improve accuracy– especially with the LR sections? Timing/speed is not an issue for me, but I can't seem to improve on accuracy. Thanks in advance!
Any pointers on how I can improve my speed on RC without reducing accuracy levels? I'm doing quiet good but I find myself with one passage unread after the 35 mins is up. And also does fool-proofing LG work?
... really focusing on accuracy. As a result, my accuracy drastically improved (new ... under 35 without compromising on accuracy - I tend to get through ...
I have titled ... "The Four Pillars of LG Consistency" for a reason. Notice that ... more elements to it than consistency. Consistency is a part of success ...