... back a forth with the admissions office at UofM, and I ... occur a bit after the admissions decision is made (scholarship decisions ... rolling out in January while admissions decisions have typically started coming ...
So in all the prep madness, I just now got around to printing my ticket. I now see that my photo is a little bit smaller than the requirement and shadows on my face. I took it with my phone. I'm freaking out. what should I do?
... with a better, more suitable photo. By the time I took ... freaking out that my original photo isn't as acceptable as ... look as much like that photo as I can (I am ...
... : would you prefer (1) an admissions overview (similar to my webinar ... : https://7sage.com/admissions/discussion/#/discussion/13907/admissions-webinar-editing-giveaway-dec ...
Is there a wait period for a rejected application to a law school with rolling admissions? For example, if you apply in the fall and get rejected, can you reapply in the spring, or do you have to wait until the following calendar year?
... " and the incredible difference the admissions package has made in my ... hesitation!! I firmly believe the admissions package has made all the ...
Quick question: what's the difference? Also do you address a director as "dean" like if someone's title is "Assistant Director of Admissions Barney Purple" Do you say "Dean Purple"?
... up here: https://7sage.com/admissions/webinar/
... gander at the admissions course: 7sage.com/admissions/progress ... -eye view of the admissions process. I’ll touch ... [Edit Once](https://7sage.com/admissions/enroll/)**.
... together a brand new admissions FAQ for our [admissions course](https://7sage ... have about the law school admissions process? Ask in the comments ... 's webinar](https://7sage.com/admissions/discussion/#/discussion/comment/116302)! Remember ...