... Questions
- The question stem will directly quote a ... being asked to engage with the question and describe ... to account for something
- Can be considered a weakening question ... is saying.
... but it's also essential to have a strong grasp of ... it. My solution: diagram every question that includes conditional logic during ... for parallelflaw and parallel method questions. I'll also use it to confirm ... m unsure about for a question that relies heavily on ...
Maybe for that particular question even then your reasoning ... a ParallelFlaw or any other type of question... your job is to trace ... affect you on that particular question... but it surely may ... elemental principles involved in the question... but you've worded ...
Ah, the good ol' motivation question. This one has been really ... get myself to get out of whatever I was doing and into ... , I did multiple. Instead of doing 20 LR questions, I did ... is no size fits all approachto studying for the LSAT.
I understand ... still have to do a quick scribble, especially when doingparallel reasoning questions ... think or does everybody have to do a quick scribble?
... rules to make inferences in LG
-Diagramming parallel method/parallelflaw ... for the occasional difficult parallelquestion) but I certainly did ... argument forms help you to understand how an argument ... s) are used to prove/attempt to prove its conclusion. ...
... Sometimes I am able to anticipate what the answer ... to necessary question types). I am doing the same for a flawquestion. ... can maybe be applied to the question types mentioned above. ... just out of the question, unfortunately. If I ... on these question types.
Can I ask how you approachparallel reasoning and parallelflaw questions? I think it's actually possible to reduce the amount of time you spend on these questions so I'm curious as to how you're approaching these right now.
... questions are very similar to weaken question in the sense that ... questions are very similar toflaw questions in the sense that ... and the difference being in flawquestion is that you are ... doing as many timed practice exercises as possible in addition to ...
... can see a variety of question types). This has been ... method would be a good approachto work on the timing/retention ... . You might almost want to fool proof some RC passages ... to develop your English skills and your reasoning structure recognition. Perhaps doing ...
... that there was a similar question on the June test. ... a hybrid principle/parallel/whatever question. It goes to show that the ... guess we'll be doing a lot of that as ... .
... amount of text between question and ACs to knck it out faster ... I don't like a question or know it will take ... than a situational/inference MBT question.
I only do ... wall of text parallelflaw questions I'll jump to the shorter questions ...
... not like their book due to the fact that they just ... personally feel is so crucial to this test. I found the ... , and the LSAT Trainer to see how they approachparallelflaw. I will let ...
... explain the flawto someone else? Was you approachto answering the question type the ... this process for one question, it's time to do it all ... top. The Trainer's introduction toflaw-seeking is great and the ...
... ve been doing that I find immensely helpful is to look ... If an answer to a parallel method of reasoning question is incorrect, consider ... of elimination allowed you to disqualify a question, think about what ... it would take to un- ...
... but never with any time to review. Hopefully with more practice ... about how how I should approach studying. At times I've ... I missed 11 (?!). According to the analytics, Flaw questions give me the ... whether I should just keep doing PTs or drill flaw questions.
... am of the opinion that doing so makes the questions ... you feel like you're doing less "work." But there ... the rules to each question, I start questioning my approach. Sometimes that ... questions and adopt a question driven approach because everything is laid ...
... rest could have played to my strengths on question types- If I ... remember correctly there was a dearth of parallel ... a few RC questions to come back to. This whole test ... comfortable and confident doing that. I was expecting to over circle out ...
... it's overwhelming trying to analysis what works for me ... don't have a clear approachto the LSAT. There is ... lesson and really dive into question types. I did that ... just comes down to timing. I need to improve timing and ... have any hopes for doing well on this test.
... ) is when I get to the last "fold on ... a TON of time to read, especially if the ... out of time doing the parallel reasoning question (and miss that ... to get. I used to have the 5 minute call at around question ... 3 minutes to spare. That is all thanks todoing PT ...
... here highly recommend it due to its clear, concise portrayal of ... helped me to see how subjective question types have a flaw in the ... argument that needs to be ... only about $40, you're doing yourself a disservice by not ...
... certainly never seen a 9-question passage. I suppose it ... But if you are choosing to skip a whole passage, ... think of), aside from just doing 1, 2, and 3 ... It's probably impossible to measure the relative difficulty ... re looking for a new approachto RC, take a look ...
... prep material you planned on doing. It doesn't matter ...
Regarding general approachto prepping for a retake: to improve how well you think: diligently doing easy ... for yourself a "good" approachto each question (barring maybe 1 weird ...
how were ... just about any kind of question if you had sufficient time ... doing a bunch of each type of question/game/passage, I started to ... , and it's easiest to see this when doing drills. PTs are ...
how were ... much finished LG, I started doing RC passages, though for these ... in how I approached the question, but in my understanding of ... if you ever find yourself doing this on RC, make sure ...
... felt like I was doing decently well and felt ... concepts I started trying to never second guess myself ... approach works. It is VERY easy to over think every question ... not only cause you to make the mistakes you ... suggest make a point to replicate exactly what you ...