I was wondering if it might be worth it take another (last) LSAT sitting in an attempt to finally break into the 170's and potentially score my scholarship money? Or would it be too late in the cycle to even have that?
Can I please get feedback and recommendations for LSATMax as source for LSAT Prep
7 Sage is excellent,but I was wondering about LSATMax as a supplement source for LSAT Prep,thinking in terms of Jan 2020 exam
I got a 158 on the November LSAT, I have one more chance to write in January for 2020 admissions, should I write again??
(Applied to Ryerson, osgoode, queens, western, Ottawa and Windsor)
cGPA: 3.25, last two years: 3.8, two LSATS: 151, 158
I am a first time test taker and I honestly don't know where to start. I don't know what study materials to use and I truly need help building a study schedule. Can someone possibly give me tips that can help me out?
I am trying to change my picture for the Jan 2020 LSAT, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. Is it too late?? The tickets dont get printed until Jan 6.
In anticipation of the 2020 testing dates and testing centers being released by the LSAC soon, I am looking for insight on the best places to take the test, and most importantly, where to avoid. Thanks!