... practicetestsin the 60s/early 70s and only just started to take practicetestsin ... the 80s and am seeing a nosedive in my ... LR is much less straightforward in the 80s? Also, do we ... real test, since PT 80+ are the most recent tests?
None of my friends are taking the LSAT and so ... gone through literally a dozen practicetestsin the past twelve days missing ... genuine post I've made in the past three years. Anybody ...
... towards students who are finished with the corecurriculum and are currently taking ... a computer instead of calling in.** We also recommend that ...
Is only doing 7Sage CoreCurriculum enough before tackling the PTs? I am currently reading Loophole and I find it extremely helpful. I plan to read Trainer and PowerScore too before I tackle the PTs. What do you all think?
If anyone just starting the CoreCurriculum and wants a study partner to go over it together, please let me know. I am only looking for serious individuals, thank you.
... to do some jumping around in the curriculum? The reason I ask ... reason to proceed through the curriculum from start to finish and ... />
Thank you for weighing in if you choose to!
I don't think the beta version 2: corecurriculum is for me and would like to revert to the original corecurriculum/ study schedule (without losing my progress). is this possible? thank you!
Hi everyone--just wondering how practicetests should affect our analytics? For ... example, with older tests that have two logical sections ... recommend taking the three section practicetests, or taking tests with four sections?
i did it already but now i heard about the new corecurriculum for the august test and beyond. i want to take the test after august so i will be taking the test without logic games
The Lsac website does not state whether or not testsin the 2024-2025 test year will be available in the remote format. Does anyone know if we will be able to take them at our home?
I tried to use the strategy of flagging questions that I am not 100% sure, but I couldn't find the flag button for the 7sage practicetests. Could someone please help an apparently blind man?
I have been working on older skill sets/practicetests that my tutor downloaded for me. I now want to download the new ones that don't have the logic games. How do I do that?
... really recommend looking for proctored practicetestsin your area. Sometimes other LSAT ... you actually go in and take the test in person. Otherwise, it ... LSAT burnout.
You are a mind reader-- I just ... hour searching for free proctored practicetestsin NYC. I didn't have ... group that took realistically proctored practicetestsin preparation for the December 6 ... a more central location for practicetests on Saturday mornings.