Have you been dong the FoolProof Method? Maybe go over the most recent LG's you've done, and see why you're missing those questions. Print a couple copies of each, and keep redoing them until you have all of the inferences down.
It's more that certain words should be red flags to get you to think in a certain direction rather than guiding you down that path. "At least" is a great example of this since it is a great chart signifier but not a foolproof one.
Don't foolproof in the curriculum and stop doing all the problem sets. Do only enough to get a feel for the topic and then save the rest for your PT phase to shore up any weaknesses.
@Coolmama09 if I remember correctly in the video of foolproof explanation he mentioned that students need to retake each game the day after hitting the target time at least once to make sure they memorized the inferences.