BlindReviewreally helps me with Skipping - BR has helped me develop an intuitive sense of the types of questions that I'm unsure of, are difficult or take a lot of time.
... spite of Kaplan and not because of it... there ... be stories of people doing well from a course... that ... students do do quite well others notso much relatively speaking... that ... a Testmasters center as well as a Kaplan in ... vicinity of my house so I did have the ...
... of developing clear diagrams and so on, but simply repeating ... you did and why (both well and not-so-well) in order to improve ... (and their approaches) follow a well tread pattern. Don't be ... hypotheticals.
... were there! Haha I’m not the only one who saw ... all exploded about T-15 not existing. What help is that ... on there, a lot of not-so-great people either.
I too am not a beginner at this. Went ... if the course itself was notsogreat, or just the fact I ... better than the other courses. So, although you’ve got some ... purchased it myself and have not regretted it.
@H_al1411 I think you definitely need to go through the core curriculum then. Did you blindreview the problem sets? If so, were the scores the same or different?
... working on increasing your blindreview as well as answering the question ... , if you decide during blindreview that question 24 and 25 ... have gotten under time as well you want to ask ... closing the gap between your blindreview score while you keep working ...
... working on increasing your blindreview as well as answering the question ... , if you decide during blindreview that question 24 and 25 ... have gotten under time as well you want to ask ... closing the gap between your blindreview score while you keep working ...
So, they have this ... the afternoon. Now, I'm not saying there is any causation ... a coincidence that I'm not feeling so tired in the afternoon ... to continue doing this because so far its working for me ...
LR was one that ticked all of us because we are still not sure which one is experimental and therefore losing one part of LR is very significant, but I was confident with 26 LR questions and RC first three passages. The rest notsogreat as I hope
... If they did, they would not have improved water quality. not necessarily become hazardous waste themselves ... -whole inferences are fine, sometimes not.
You can ... , but the team is notsogreat because the players don't ...
not sure if someone has mentioned this but after the blindreview it seem to not register what I have selected during the blindreview for the last few questions of the problem sets
Blindreviewreally helps instead of quantity focus on quality, which means focus on your weaknesses and really get down to the root of the issue of why did you pick that answer..
You can reduce the “priority” of wrong questions by doing a thorough blindreview as well as noting the question types you are missing. I find it helpful to revisit core curriculum for fundamentals and work on question types.
I think when people get stuck at the low 160s is when the wrong answer choices start to reveal more of your shortcomings than the correct ones. It is also the time when blindreviewreally starts to shine.
Thank you @"Cherry - 7Sage". To clarify, are you suggesting I do the blindreview on 7sage? And if so, am I able to see the questions via the paper view you displayed above?